A fractal renderer
What am I doing?
- Render fractals, typically Julia sets. (To know about Julia set, see wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julia_set)
- Also fractals formed by IFS (Iterated function systems). (Fern fractal typifies these fractals, see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barnsley_fern)
The structure of the project:
- Kernal, does computations, decides what the fractal is.
- Fractal, abstract class, provide interfaces.
- IFS Fractal
- Julia Fractal
- Renderer, decides how to render the fractal
- Other utilities (complex arithmetics, Affine contractions etc)
- Fractal, abstract class, provide interfaces.
- GUI, decides how to show image on the screen, acts between user and kernel.
- Bitmap, displays arrays of Color
- Main Interface, the main program.