This project consists of a Robot Framework ๐ค test suite (along with various custom libraries), for testing the UI and API of a ReactJS / Node.js application.
Robot Framework is open and extensible and can be integrated with virtually any other tool to create powerful and flexible automation solutions.
- Page Object Model, has been utilised to ensure future test maintainability.
- Web Locators have been carefully selected to resist DOM structure changes.
- BDD / Gherkin Style Syntax has been used for the UI tests to demonstrate the possibility for writing tests with this style, and API tests with procedural.
- Task 1 - Clone Repo
- Task 2 - Create a test plan and run it manually
- Task 3 - Create an automated API level test scenario
- Task 4 - Create an automated UI level test scenario
- Claifications / Assumptions
- How to install / run the test suite
NB: I have taken note of the requirement for a "test plan that will minimally contain the steps that have to be taken" in respect to this, the documented tests below are not as extensively detailed as they may have been.
Our approach is a blend of exploratory testing with test automation for the UI user journeys and API's.
Module | Description |
Welcome Screen | The Welcome Screen presents the user to a form where he/she can be identified. The form consists of, Instructions text: "Please provide your name:", A text field where the user will input his/her name, and A Submit button. |
Customer List Screen | This screen presents the list of all registered customers. For each customer, the following info is shown: 1. Name 2. Number of Employees 3. Size: if number of Employees is less than or equal 100, size is Small; if greater than 10 and less than or equal to 1000, Medium; otherwise, Large When the user clicks on a customer name, the Contacts Detail Screen is shown. |
Contact Details Screen | This screen shows the customers detailed info (Name, # of Employees, and Size) and also the name and e-mail of the person in the company to be contacted. |
API | The app backend offers 1 endpoint: POST / |
Test Environment Setup Instructions
ID# | BDD | Notes | Test Result |
1 | Given I am on the welcome screen When I provide my name And I submit my name Then I can see the Customer List Screen |
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ID# | BDD | Notes | Test Result |
2 | Given I am on the welcome screen When I leave the name field blank And I submit my name Then I can see an alert message |
Alert message should read "Please provide your name." | โ๏ธ |
ID# | BDD | Notes | Test Result |
3 | Given I am on the Customer List Screen Then I can see all registered customers |
Validations on presence of Name, # of Employees, Size: if # of Employees for all customers | โ๏ธ |
ID# | BDD | Notes | Test Result |
4 | Given I am on the Customer List Screen When click on a customer name Then the Contacts Detail Screen for this customer |
Test fails upon selecting Name: United Brands - "TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined" | โ |
ID# | BDD | Notes | Test Result |
5 | Given I am on the Customer Detail Screen When I click the Back to the list button Then I should see the Customer List Screen |
Test fails for the user named United Brands, as back to the list button is not displayed, due to error seen in test 4. | โ |
ID# | BDD | Notes | Test Result |
6 | Given I am on the Customer Detail Screen When a customer does not have contact information Then message "No contact info available" should be presented |
Test Failed, unable to verify from the UI, as per error seen in Test 4. All other existing data contains user contact information, thus no Alert message seen. | โ |
ID# | Description | Notes | Test Result |
7 | Response status code should equal 200 | โ๏ธ |
ID# | Description | Notes | Test Result |
8 | Response contains User Name Response is as previously seen |
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ID# | Description | Notes | Test Result |
9 | Customer without Contact Email and Contact Name, should not have contactInfo attribute in JSON response | โ๏ธ |
ID# | BDD | Notes | Test Result |
10 | Given I am on the Customer List Screen And # of Employees is {EmployeeCount} Then Text Size = {TextSize} |
if # of Employees is less than or equal 100, size is Small; if greater then 100 and less then or equal 1000, Medium; otherwise, Big | โ |
ID# | Description | Notes | Test Result |
11 | Validate response against JSON schema provided in Requirements | โ๏ธ |
Contacts Detail Screen - "the message No contact info available should be presented." it is not made clear how this message should be presented exactly, is this a popup message, an overlay or a text message within an onscreen element? will the customer information still be displayed, despite the lack of contact information?
"Create a test plan that will minimally contain the steps that have to be taken and their expected results;" the term, minimally contain the steps that have to be taken, can be interpreted in multiple ways. One way could be that it is referring to the test steps, and to minimally outline these. Another way, and the way that it has been applied here is that it is referring to the fact that an extensive test plan is not required, rather one that validates the requirements in the requirements document only, and nothing else.
There are multiple typos throughout the task description.
"When a customer doesn't have contact info, the message No contact info available should be presented." How is such an alert to be provided? where? Should the customer contact detail screen still load?
The requirements contain two conflicting statements:
- Size: if # of Employees is less than or equal 100, size is Small; if greater then 10 and less then or equal 1000, Medium; otherwise, Big
- customer size is: Small, when # of employees is <= 10; Medium when it is <= 1000; Big otherwise.
I have assumed that this is a typo, and the correct requirement is Size: if # of Employees is less than or equal 100, size is Small; if greater then 100 and less then or equal 1000, Medium; otherwise, Big
- What is the desired behaviour, when the employee size returned is negative?
The following instructions are written for Windows users, commands executed on Mac may vary.
Install Git - Install Python - during intallation ensure you configure PATH. Download chromedriver for Chrome, and place it into a directory that is in PATH. -
Open powershell
Go to the current directory where you want the cloned directory to be added.
Clone the respository by your preferred method, or type:
git clone
Run the following command (in the location of your local repo containing the requirements.txt file) and all the required Robot Framework/Library dependancies shall be installed:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Start the application under test as detailed in Test Environment Setup Instructions
Run the following command (in the TestCases/ui-tests/ directory) to run the User Interface Test Suite:
robot testsuiteui.robot
Run the following command (in the TestCases/api-tests/ directory), to run the API test suite:
robot testsuiteapi.robot
Reports following the test can be found in the same directory as the .robot files, report.html. Open with Chrome/Firefox to review test results.