Based upon hackathon project Chromiddleware, this NodeJS web application acts as a middleware proxy that scrapes web content and spits out machine-readable formats. Its primary purpose is to expose RSS feeds for websites that don't publish them, so you can use your RSS reader to subscribe to an RSSey feed, which in turn is configured with JS code/CSS selectors to collate the required data.
Very much "dogfood-under-construction" right now: I'm using it for my own benefit but I can't make any promise that it's useful for anybody else, yet.
Easier-to-use alternatives (with slightly fewer features, e.g. no authentication/multi-page fetches) include,, and
This project is licensed under the GPL License, version 3 - see the file for details
- @cowchimp for introducing me to Headless Chrome
- Render Conf 2018 for putting on the event where he did so
- JSOxford for providing the hack-space to prototype the idea