A simple way to serialize JavaScript objects into ArrayBuffers for high compression on the wire.
Introduction • Usage • Data Types • Caveats
Superbuffer makes it easy to serialize and deserialize data from ArrayBuffers matching the interfaces you define. Its Schema-Model API was inspired by typed-array-buffer-schema.
Superbuffer was designed to balance the readability and flexibility JSON while maximizing compression of your data on the wire. It is especially useful in situations where a high volume and frequency of network traffic between clients is necessary (such as multiplayer networked games).
npm i superbuffer
yarn add superbuffer
Superbuffer allows you to define the shape of the data you want to serialize:
import {Schema, Model, uint32, uint64, int16, string} from 'superbuffer';
const commentSchema = new Schema({
message: string,
timestamp: uint64,
votes: int16,
const postSchema = new Schema({
id: uint32,
title: string,
tags: [string],
author: {
id: uint32,
name: string,
comments: [commentSchema],
const post = new Model(postSchema);
If you use Typescript, Superbuffer automatically ensures your data has proper typings:
import {Model, float32} from 'superbuffer';
const position = Model.fromSchemaDefinition({
x: float32,
y: float32,
// Typescript knows that only objects with type
// {x: number, y: number} can be serialized by the `position` model
const buffer = position.toBuffer({x: 32.1, y: 12.3});
// Typescript knows `result` is of type {x: number, y: number}
const result = position.fromBuffer(buffer);
Superbuffer can serialize any non-circular JSON structure:
import {Schema, Model, views, ExtractSchemaObject} from 'superbuffer';
const {int16, int32, uint8, uint32, uint64, float32, boolean, string} = views;
const playerSchema = new Schema({
id: uint8,
x: float32,
y: float32,
health: uint8,
alive: boolean,
const inputSchema = new Schema({action: int16, movement: int16});
const listSchema = new Schema({value: int32});
const snapshotModel = Model.fromSchemaDefinition({
time: uint64,
sequenceNumber: uint32,
input: inputSchema,
messages: [string],
data: {
list: [listSchema],
players: [playerSchema],
type Snapshot = ExtractSchemaObject<typeof snapshotModel>;
const snapshot: Snapshot = {
time: BigInt(Date.now()),
sequenceNumber: 438923,
input: {
action: -12,
movement: -4,
messages: ['hello', 'hi', 'how are you', 'im good, how are you', 'fine thank you'],
data: {
list: [{value: 1}, {value: 2}, {value: 3}, {value: 4}, {value: 5}],
players: [
{id: 14, x: 145.32, y: 98.1123, health: 99, alive: true},
{id: 15, x: 218.46, y: -14.0934, health: 100, alive: true},
{id: 0, x: 3289.554, y: -1432.0, health: 0, alive: false},
/** Client */
// JSON.stringify(snapshot) = 430 bytes
// model.toBuffer(snapshot) = 139 bytes
// 68% compression!
const buffer = snapshotModel.toBuffer(snapshot); // Object to ArrayBuffer
/** Server */
network.on('message', (buffer) => {
const id = Model.getIdFromBuffer(buffer);
if (id === snapshotModel.schema.id) {
const result = snapshotModel.fromBuffer(buffer); // ArrayBuffer to object
Superbuffer's views are mapped to their respective TypedArray countparts:
Superbuffer View | TypedArray Equivalent | Value Range | Byte Size |
uint8 | Uint8Array | 0 to 255 | 1 |
uint16 | Uint16Array | 0 to 65535 | 2 |
uint32 | Uint32Array | 0 to 4294967295 | 4 |
uint64 | Uint64Array | 0 to 2^64-1 | 8 |
int8 | Int8Array | -128 to 127 | 1 |
int16 | Int16Array | -32768 to 32767 | 2 |
int32 | Int32Array | -2147483648 to 2147483647 | 4 |
int64 | Int64Array | -2^63 to 2^63-1 | 8 |
float32 | Float32Array | 1.2×10^-38 to 3.4×10^38 | 4 |
float64 | Float64Array | 5.0×10^-324 to 1.8×10^308 | 8 |
string | Uint8Array | UTF-8 encoding | variable |
boolean | Uint8Array | 0 or 1 | 1 |
- Max array length of 65535 (uint16)
- Max number of schema ids is 255 (uint8)
- No
character in strings - No
properties: all properties of the schema definition must be present on an object to be serialized (empty arrays are allowed)