To run the app:
in your CLI:
- git clone [email protected]:DannyDakota/ / you can download the folder and open it in visual studio
- cd
Install it from here
Create .env file in root folder
Set MONGODB_URL=mongodb://localhost/relaxshopping
Create database at
Create a user with read and write to databse privileges(under Database Access)
Create .env file in root folder
Set MONGODB_URL=mongodb+srv://your-db-connection
Also, for safe measure, insert the connection string into the server.js file in the backend folder.
In your CLI(in the code folder):
1) npm install
2) npm start
In your CLI(in the code folder):
1) cd frontend
2) npm install
3) npm start
Run this on chrome: http://localhost:5000/api/users/seed
Run this on chrome: http://localhost:5000/api/products/seed
This creates 6 sample products
-To access seller dedicated application:
User : [email protected]
Password: 1234
-Also note that we process insert each search scrape into the mongoDB server so refrain from searching the same string twice as it will result in duplicate elements popping up in the product screen. Instead, proceed to categories on the left to select the previously searched string.
-If anyone has issues setting up, you can just contact me @dannydakota on telegram!