A game with much lewd and HTML5
Todo: Write a proper readme.
- Icons: game-icons.net
- Music: http://incompetech.com
- Art: DPS Wolf by maddworld https://www.furaffinity.net/user/maddworld/
- Music: Strobotone
- Music: Fortune 500
- Image: Thomas Ledl
- Image: www.spreadfilms.de
- Image: compujeramey
- Sound Effects: soneproject @ freesound
- SFX: LittleRobotSoundFactory @ freesound
- SFX: Timbre @ freesound
- SFX: kafokafo @ freesound
- SFX: LiamG_SFX @ freesound
- SFX: xtrgamr @ freesound
- CC Art: Adrianiglesiart