Joker calculator is a 7-card Texas Hold'em poker odds calculator and evaluator.
The evaluator is a Java port of PokerHandEvaluator by HenryRLee,
which contains a detailed explanation of the hand evaluation algorithm.
The calculator then evaluates all combinations of cards that are left in the deck, and calculates the probability of each player winning/splitting.
Cards are specified as card aliases (two character strings), where the first character is the rank
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, T, J, Q, K, A
and the second character is the suit c, d, h, s
for clubs, diamonds, hearts and spades respectively.
Specify the players' cards as space seperated card aliases, e.g. Ah 4d
for A2c Ts
for 2
Optionally specify the board cards as space seperated card aliases, e.g. -b 2c Ts 4d 5h
for 2
Optionally specify the dead cards (the cards that are no longer in the deck) as space
seperated card aliases, e.g. -d Tc 2c
for 10
Usage: joker [-hV] [-b=<card>]... [-d=<card>]... (<card> <card>)...
(<card> <card>)... Player cards (2 cards per player, 2 to 10 players).
-b, --board=<card> Board cards - flop, turn or river (3 to 5 cards).
-d, --dead=<card> Cards that are no longer in the deck (1 to 19 cards).
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-V, --version Print version information and exit.
Player 1 has A
player 2 has Q
player 3 has 7
and the board is 3
The scenario is represented as follows: Ah Kh Qc Qd 7c 7d -b 3d 5c Kc
java -cp ... cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.calculator.Calculator Ah Kh Qc Qd 7c 7d -b 3d 5c Kc
Win Tie
AhKh: 76.41% 0.00%
QcQd: 13.18% 0.00%
7c7d: 10.41% 0.00%
Player 1 has A
player 2 has 5
player 3 has 7
and the dead cards are K
The scenario is represented as follows: Ac 8s 5c 8h 7d Kd -d Kh 2c
java -cp ... cz.matfyz.rudad.joker.calculator.Calculator Ac 8s 5c 8h 7d Kd -d Kh 2c
Win Tie
Ac8s: 45.69% 2.22%
5c8h: 16.90% 2.22%
7dKd: 35.20% 0.29%
Javadoc available HERE
Some interesting resources I found while studying the poker hand evaluation algorithms:
PokerHandEvaluator/ - The hand evaluation algorithm used in this project with super detailed explanation
Enumerating Five-Card Poker Hands
Cactus Kev's Poker Hand Evaluator
The Great Poker Hand Evaluator Roundup
Some GUI-based evaluators I used to check the odds:
Poker Master Tool (Github)
Texas Hold'em Odds Calculator
Other poker evaluators:
Java 5-card evaluator
Collection of poker evaluators