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Ciocoiu Diana Iulia: 313CA:

Now You See Me + tema 1


  • Short description of the functionality of the homework

This program manipulates multiple lists in the same time using a list which nodes store pointers to other lists.

There is a list (big_hand) which stores on every node a pointer to another list (deck). Each deck stores on every node a pointer to a structure (value_t) representing a pair number-symbol.


ADD_DECK (index, nr_of_cards) = adds a new deck on the position index.
    -create a new deck 
    -check if the input is ok
    -add every card in the deck
    -add the deck in the big_hand

DEL_DECK (index) = deletes the deck in the position index.
    -access the node from big_hand where the deck is stored
    -free the symbol for each card (they are dinamically aloccated)
    -free each struct value(number, symbol)
    -free each node
    -delete the node from the big_hand

DEL_CARD (pack_index, card_index) = deletes a certain card (from the deck 
          with pack_index the card with card_index)
    -is similar with del_deck but if frees the certain card

ADD_CARDS ( pack_index, nr_cards) = adds nr_cards cards to the pack with index
    -access the pack with pack_index
    -allocate nr_cards new cards (aka nodes)
    -check if the input is ok
    -copy the nr and symbol into the value_t struct wich is stored in every node

DECK_LEN (index) = shows the length of a deck in the position index

DECK_NUMBER () = shows the number of decks in big_hand

SHUFFLE_DECK (index) = switch the first and the last half of the deck on the  
             position index 
    -because a work with circular doubly linked lists, I only switched the list.head position

MERGE_DECKS (index1, index2) = combines 2 decks 
	-alternate elements from bath until one is empty, then add the rest of them
	-delete the 2 packs (resulting only the merged ones)

SPLIT_DECK (index, index_split) = split the pack from position index in  2 new 
			packs by index_split
	-create a new pack with the last size - index_split elements
	-add it after the original pack 
	-delete the las size - index_split elements from the original pack

REVERSE_DECK (index) = reverse the position of cards.
	-access the node from big_hand where the deck is stored
	-iterate through the deck.
	-delete the first node then add it on the size - i position.
	-special case when the deck length is 1!!!!! because after deleting the node you end up with list.head = NULL and can't use my approach

SHOW_DECK (index) = prints a certain deck

SHOW_ALL () = prints all decks

EXIT = free all and exit program



  • I think using a doubly linked list would have been more helpful and easier.

  • I've learned pointer arithmetics, i understood better linked lists, i starded understanding working with valgrind and debugging.

         __..--''``---....___   _..._    __

/// //.-' .-/"; ``<._ ``.''_. / // / ///.-' ..--.' \ ( ) ) // // / (_..-' // (< _ ;_..__ ; ' / /// / // // // `-.,)' // / ``--...____..-' /// / // //my cat every time I tried codding my homework//


Now You See Me






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