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Hello, I'm DuckBot 💞

This is DuckBot's source code. Invite me using the hyperlink above.

Hosting locally

  1. Install python 3.11 on your machine.
  2. Create a .env file, in /utils/.env.
  3. Put the contents of /utils/example.env in it and fill out the information as needed. (some fields are optional).
  4. Create a PostgreSQL database and a user in it, then run the schema.sql file to create the required tables.
  5. Install the requirements from requirements.txt.
  6. Run the bot: python .. or to enable debug logs, python . --verbose

Note Using a virtual environment is recommended.

Warning lru-dict installation errors.

the lru_dict requirement may need you to install the python-dev package on linux (use the appropriate one for your python version), or Microsoft Visual C++ on windows.


Thanks for taking an interest in contributing to DuckBot! Please check out the contributing guidelines!

Note Rewrite code base (not production).

The production code of this bot can be found in branch:master. If you are looking to submit a pull request to fix a bug in the current version of DuckBot, check out that branch instead!