This repository contains multiple samples that demonstrate how to use the Dynamsoft Barcode Reader Android and iOS Editions.
- Supported OS: Android 5.0 (API Level 21) or higher.
- Supported ABI: armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86 and x86_64.
- Development Environment: Android Studio 2022.2.1 or higher.
- Supported OS: iOS 11.0 or higher (iOS 13 and higher recommended).
- Supported ABI: arm64 and x86_64.
- Development Environment: Xcode 13 and above (Xcode 14.1+ recommended), CocoaPods 1.11.0+
Sample Name | Description | Programming Language(s) |
DecodeWithCameraEnhancer |
The simplest sample of video streaming barcode scanner using DynamsoftCameraEnhancer as the input source. | Java(Android)/Kotlin/Objective-C/Swift |
DecodeWithCameraX |
The video streaming barcode scanner sample, but using CameraX as the input source. | Java(Android)/Kotlin |
DecodeWithAVCaptureSession |
The video streaming barcode scanner sample, but using AVCaptureSession as the input source. | Objective-C/Swift |
DecodeFromAnImage |
The sample shows how to pick an image from the album for barcode decoding. | Java(Android)/Kotlin/Objective-C/Swift |
DecodeMultipleBarcodes |
The sample shows how to efficiently decode multiple barcodes. | Java(Android)/Swift |
GeneralSettings |
Displays general barcode decoding settings and camera settings like barcode formats, expected barcode count and scan region settings. The default scan mode is continuous scanning. | Java(Android)/Swift |
PerformanceSettings |
Parameter configuration guide on improving the speed, read-rate and accuracy of barcode reading. The sample includes the code of image decoding from the album. | Java(Android)/Swift |
LocateAnItemWithBarcode |
The sample shows you how to locate an target barcode from multiple barcodes. | Java(Android)/Swift |
TinyBarcodeDecoding |
The sample to tell you how to process the tiny barcodes. Including zoom and focus control. | Java(Android)/Swift |
The following samples aggregate multiple products under DynamsoftCaptureVision
architecture. They include the barcode decoding feature and implement it in more specific usage scenarios with the help of the other Dynamsoft functional products.
Note: Move to the DynamsoftCaptureVison samples repo to view the following samples.
Sample Name | Description | Programming Language(s) |
DriversLicenseScanner |
Scan the PDF417 barcodes on a drivers' license and extract the drivers information. | Java(Android)/Swift |
VINScanner |
Scan the vin barcode or text and extract the vehicle information. | Java(Android)/Swift |
You can request a 30-day trial license via the Request a Trial License link.
For any questions or feedback, you can either contact us or submit an issue.