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MAGs generation pipeline

MGnify genomes generation pipeline to generate prokaryotic and eukaryotic MAGs from reads and assemblies.

Pipeline overview

This pipeline does not support co-binning.

Pipeline summary

The pipeline performs the following tasks:

  • Supports short reads.
  • Changes read headers to their corresponding assembly accessions (in the ERZ namespace).
  • Quality trims the reads, removes adapters fastp.

Afterward, the pipeline:

For prokaryotes:

  • Conducts bin quality control with CAT, GUNC, and CheckM.
  • Performs dereplication with dRep.
  • Calculates coverage using MetaBAT2 calculated depths.
  • Detects rRNA and tRNA using cmsearch.
  • Assigns taxonomy with GTDBtk.

For eukaryotes:

  • Estimates quality and merges bins using EukCC.
  • Dereplicates MAGs using dRep.
  • Calculates coverage using MetaBAT2 calculated depths.
  • Assesses quality with BUSCO and EukCC.
  • Assigns taxonomy with BAT.

Final steps:

  • Tools versions are available in software_versions.yml
  • Pipeline generates a tsv table for public MAG uploader
  • TODO: finish MultiQC


If this the first time running nextflow please refer to this page

Required reference databases

You need to download the mentioned databases and add them to config/dbs.config.

Don't forget to add this configuration to the main .nextflow.config.

Data download

If you use EBI cluster:

  1. Get your Raw reads and Assembly study accessions;
  2. Download data from ENA, get assembly and run_accessions and generate input samplesheet:
bash download_data/ \
    -a assembly_study_accession \
    -r reads_study_accession \
    -c `pwd`/assembly_study_accession \
    -f "false"

Otherwise, download your data and keep format as recommended in Sample sheet example section below.


nextflow run ebi-metagenomics/genomes-generation \
-profile <complete_with_profile> \
--input samplesheet.csv \
--assembly_software_file software.tsv \
--metagenome "metagenome" \
--biomes "biome,feature,material" \

Optional arguments

  • --skip_preprocessing_input (default=false): skip input data pre-processing step that renames ERZ-fasta files to ERR-run accessions. Useful if you process data not from ENA
  • --skip_prok (default=false): do not generate prokaryotic MAGs
  • --skip_euk (default=false): do not generate eukaryotic MAGs
  • --skip_concoct (default=false): skip CONCOCT binner in binning process
  • --skip_maxbin2 (default=false): skip MaxBin2 binner in binning process
  • --skip_metabat2 (default=false): skip METABAT2 binner in binning process
  • --merge_pairs (default=false): merge paired-end reads on QC step with fastp

Pipeline input data

Sample sheet example

Each row corresponds to a specific dataset with information such as an identifier for the row, the file path to the assembly, and paths to the raw reads files (fastq_1 and fastq_2). Additionally, the assembly_accession column contains ERZ-specific accessions associated with the assembly.

id assembly fastq_1 fastq_2 assembly_accession
SRR1631112 /path/to/ERZ1031893.fasta /path/to/SRR1631112_1.fastq.gz /path/to/SRR1631112_2.fastq.gz ERZ1031893

There is example here

Assembly software

Id column is RUN accession
Assembly software is a tool that was used to assemble RUN into assembly (ERZ).

If you ran download_data/ that file already exists in catalogue folder under name per_run_assembly.tsv. Otherwise, script can be helpful to collect that information from ENA.

id assembly_software
SRR1631112 Assembler_vVersion


Manually choose the most appropriate metagenome from


Comma-separated environment parameters in format: "environment_biome,environment_feature,environment_material"

Pipeline output


Use final_table_for_uploader.tsv to upload your MAGs with uploader.

There is example here.

! Do not modify existing output structure because that TSV file contains full paths to your genomes.



--- eukaryotes
------- run_accession
----------- bins.fa
--- prokaryotes
------- run_accession
----------- bins.fa

--- eukaryotes
------- coverage
----------- aggregated_contigs2bins.txt
------- run_accession_***_coverage
----------- ***_MAGcoverage.txt
--- prokaryotes
------- coverage
----------- aggregated_contigs2bins.txt
------- run_accession_***_coverage
----------- ***_MAGcoverage.txt

--- eukaryotes
------- dereplicated_genomes.txt
------- genomes
----------- genomes.fa
--- prokaryotes
------- dereplicated_genomes.txt
------- genomes
----------- genomes.fa

--- binning
--- eukaryotes
------- eukcc
------- qs50
--- fastp
--- prokaryotes
------- gunc
------- refinement

--- cluster_name
------- cluster_name_fasta
-----------  ***_rRNAs.fasta
------- cluster_name_out
----------- ***_rRNAs.out
----------- ***_tRNA_20aa.out

--- eukaryotes
------- busco_final_qc.csv
------- combined_busco_eukcc.qc.csv
------- eukcc_final_qc.csv
--- prokaryotes
------- checkm2
----------- aggregated_all_stats.csv
----------- aggregated_filtered_genomes.tsv

--- eukaryotes
------- all_bin2classification.txt
------- human_readable.taxonomy.csv
--- prokaryotes
------- gtdbtk_results.tar.gz

--- software_versions.yml 


If you use this pipeline please make sure to cite all used software.