Minimalistic exercise on the blade element momentum (BEM) theory with the software Aerodyn for teaching in the course ENERGI210 at the University of Bergen (UiB)
The repository contains:
- as the .dvr file used for the tutorial
- Ex1_input.dat as input
- NRELOffshrBsline5MW_AeroDyn_blade.dat as input
- The script RUN_ME.m which calls Aerodyn and processes some of the output data
- The folder functions, which contains the functions used in RUN_ME.m
- A folder bin containing various versions of Aerodyn.exe
- A folder airfoil_NREL_5MW, which contains the airfoil data for the 5 MW NREL turbine
For those who prefer python, it is possible to use on Windows. However, this script is less robust than the Matlab version
The first time that RUN_ME is used, a folder outputFiles is created. The output files are stored in this folder automatically