This project is created using the nestjs framework and typescript. The api-gateway communicates with users via rest api, and the api-gateway and other microservices communicate using kafka. all services are using only one db. Because this project is for learning and example purposes. The normal way is to have a separate DB for each microservice.
- Sign up
- Login
- Insert Todo
- Update Todo
- Delete Todo
- Complete Todo / Incomplete Todo
- Program Requirements
- In the Terminal or Command Prompt, type the command below.
- Mac/Linux
docker network create kafka-microservices-study && cp .env.docker.local .env && docker-compose up -d
- Window
docker network create kafka-microservices-study && copy .env.docker.local .env && docker-compose up -d
This project uses kafdrop. So you can see the Kafka cluster information in gui. http://localhost:9000