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EU Digital Identity Wallet Libraries for android in EWC to align towards the Large Scale Pilot (LSP) usecases. The project is co-funded by the European Union.


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EUDI Wallet OpenID for Verifiable Credentials - Android SDK



This repository is created to align the implementation of digital wallets across the EWC LSP consortium wallet providers. This also ensures all wallets providers can self-test and sign off against the EWC Interoperability Test Bed (ITB).


Feel free to improve the plugin and send us a pull request. If you find any problems, please create an issue in this repo. Wallet providers can raise a PR once they have implemented and aligned with the RFCs.



  1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file
dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }
  1. Add the dependency
implementation 'com.github.decentralised-dataexchange:eudi-wallet-oidc-android:<tag>'

Required Dependencies


Functions available

1. DIDService

Function Return Type Description
createJWK(seed: String?) JWK Generate JWK of curve P-256 for an optional seed value.
createDID(jwk: JWK) String Generate a did:key:jcs-pub decentralised identifier.

2. IssueService

Function Return Type Description
resolveCredentialOffer(data: String?) CredentialOffer To process the credential offer request
processAuthorisationRequest(did:String?, jwk:JWK, credential offer: CredentialOffer, codeVerifier: String, authorisationEndPoint:String) String This API requests to grant access to the credential endpoint. Returns URL with short lived authorisation code in query parameter
processTokenRequest(did:String, tokenEndPoint:String, code: String, codeVerifier:String, isPreAuthorisedCodeFlow: bool = false, userPin: String) WrappedTokenResponse To obtain the access token
processCredentialRequest(did:String, jwk:JWK, credentialIssuerUrl:String, nonce:String, credentialOffer:CredentialOffer, credentialIssuerEndPoint:String, accessToken:String) WrappedCredentialResponse To obtain the credential
processDeferredCredentialRequest(acceptanceToken:String, deferredCredentialEndPoint:String) WrappedCredentialResponse To obtain the credential issued in a deferred manner.

3. VerificationService

Function Return Type Description
processAuthorisationRequest(data:String) PresentationRequest Authorisation requests can be presented to the wallet by verifying in two ways: 1) by value 2) by reference as defined in JWT-Secured Authorization Request (JAR) via use of response_uri. The custom URL scheme for authorisation requests is openid4vp://.
sendVPToken(did:String, jwk:JWK, presentationRequest: PresentationRequest, credentialList:List) String Authorisation response is sent by constructing the vp_token and presentation_submission values.
filterCredential(credentailList:List, presentationDefinition: PresentationDefinition) List<List To filter all the credentials which is saved in the wallet. Response will be List<List>. First list represents the Input descriptors and Second list will contain the credentials for each input descriptor
processPresentationDefinition(presentationDefinition:Any) PresentationDefinition To convert the presentationDefinition inside PresentationRequest to PresentationDefinition Model.

4. DiscoveryService

Function Return Type Description
getIssuerConfig(credentialIssuerWellKnownURI:String?) IssuerWellKnownConfiguration To resolve the well-known endpoint for the credential issuer
getAuthConfig(authorisationServerWellKnownURI:String?) AuthorisationServerWellKnownConfiguration To resolve the well-known endpoint for the authorisation server

5. CodeVerifierService

Function Return Type Description
generateCodeVerifier() String To create code verifier (
generateCodeChallenge(codeVerifier:String) String To generate code challenge from the code verifier (

6. SDJWTService

Function Return Type Description
calculateSHA256Hash(inputString:String) String To calculate the SHA 256 hash of a string value
createSDJWTR(credential:String, presentationRequest:PresentationRequest, subJWK:SubJWK) String Creates a SD-JWT-R using the provided SD-JWT credential, presentation request, and private key.
processDisclosuresWithPresentationDefinition(credential:String, presentationDefinition:PresentationDefinition) String
updateIssuerJwtWithDisclosures(credential:String) String To update the issuer JWT with the disclosure values in right place using the "_sd" array

How to use in your application


Refer the Issue Verifiable Credential RFC for issuance flow.

  • The credential issuance can be an authorisation flow or a pre-authorised one.
  • The credential offer can be obtained from QR code or Deeplink. Make use of resolveCredentialOffer for processing the credential offer
  • Perform the Discovery to get the Issuer config and Autherisation server config. Use getIssuerConfig and getAuthConfig for it.
  • If the credential issuance is authorisaation flow then call the processAuthorisationRequest and then processTokenRequest using the code received
  • If the credential issuance is pre-authorised, the call processTokenRequest, show PIN entering screen and pass the PIN in the token request if PIN required in the Credential Offer
  • Fetch credential using the processCredentialRequest, in response we get the credential. If the response contains acceptanceToken, then poll processDeferredCredentialRequest unitll the credential is received.


Refer the Present Verifiable Credentials RFC for Verification flow.

  • The presentation request can be obtained fromQR code or Deeplink. Make use of processAuthorisationRequest for processing the presentationRequest
  • Filter the credentials save in wallet. Can make use of filterCredential.
  • If the Presentation Request asks for SD-JWT, process the credential using the createSDJWTR service
  • Use sendVPToken for verification.


Licensed under the Apache 2.0 License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the LICENSE for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


EU Digital Identity Wallet Libraries for android in EWC to align towards the Large Scale Pilot (LSP) usecases. The project is co-funded by the European Union.








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Contributors 4

