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#Edicy gallery lightbox widget

Gallery widget with both click based and touchscreen swipe functionality.


Add stylesheet to head:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="edys_gallery.css" />

And to required place add:

<div class="edys-gallery">
  <a href="big_picture1.jpg" rel="Image title"><img src="thumbnail_picture.jpg" alt="" title="" /></a>
<script src="gallery-front.js" type="text/javascript"></script>


To configure a javascript object edys_gallery_options for configuration can be applied before <script src="gallery-front.js" type="text/javascript"> </script> tag like this:

<script type="text/javascript">
  var edys_gallery_options = {
    jumping_mode: 'loose',
    mode: 'auto'

###Configuration variables:

  • gallery_elements defines DOM elements tat will be defined as gallery. Default is .edys-gallery

  • jumping_mode defines if all gallery elements will be handled as a unified gallery or every gallery has its own pictures. Values: strict / loose. Default is strict.

  • mode defines if gallery is displayed in touch-swipe mode, ordinary click mode or detected automatically. Both modes work with touchscreen and mouse. Values: auto / touch / click. Default is auto.

  • autorun_init default is true. If set to false bloks all automatic loading of module. If edys_gallery jquery module is needed only, it can be called out in javascript apply_edys_gallery_module(jQuery); (jQuery must be preloaded then).

  • autorun_gallery default is true. jQuery and jquery.edys_gallery modules will be loaded, but script will not be automatically bound to gallery elements.

  • init_complete default is null. Function can be bound to init_complete and will be fired after module has been loaded. ex: edys_galery_options = { init_complete: function($){ alert("foo"); } }

  • title_dissapear_time time in seconds for the image title to dissapear in ordinary click mode. Default is 3. If no fading is desired pass a value of -1.

  • title_dissapear_time_touch time in seconds for the image title and navigation buttons to dissapear in touch mode. Default is 3. If no fading is desired pass a value of -1.

classnames object that defines user configurable classnames for gallery. Object structure:

classnames: {
  overlay:        'edys-gallery-overlay',             // classname of overlay. The gray transparent background
  loading:        'edys-gallery-loading',             // loading icon
  loading_wrap:   'edys-gallery-loading-wrap',        // div around loading icon
  popup:          'edys-gallery-popup',               // popup wrap classname
  left_btn:       'edys-gallery-left',                // left button
  right_btn:      'edys-gallery-right',               // right button
  btn_wrap:       'edys-gallery-btn-wrap',            // wrap around each button element
  btn_wrap_middle:'edys-gallery-btn-wrap-middle',     // additional class to define the wrap around middle button
  close_btn:      'edys-gallery-close',               // close button
  additional_btns:'edys-gallery-btns',                // additional element for user buttons if needed. 
  bottom_btns:    'edys-gallery-bottom-btns',         // navigation buttons wrap
  content_wrap:   'edys-gallery-content-wrap',        // Image outer wrap
  image_wrap:     'edys-gallery-image-wrap',          // image inner wrap
  image_wrap_box: 'edys-gallery-image-wrap-box',      // in touch mode each image is in its own wrap. this is the classname defining these wraps
  title:          'edys-gallery-title',               // title
  notitle:        'edys-gallery-title-notitle'        // additional classname for title if empty
  • touchscreen_class_suffix in touch mode every classname has an additional suffix. Default is -touch. Example: in touch mode popup wrap has a class of edys-gallery-popup-touch.

  • image_to_wiewport_max_ratio_x in click mode vertically how big can an image maximally be relative to screen. Default is 0.8 (means max 80% of screen width).

  • image_to_wiewport_max_ratio_y in click mode horizontally how big can an image maximally be relative to screen. Default is 0.8 (means max 80% of screen height).

  • image_to_wiewport_max_ratio_touch_x in touch mode vertically how big can an image maximally be relative to screen. Default is 0.8 (max 80% of screen width).

  • image_to_wiewport_max_ratio_touch_x in touch mode horizontally how big can an image maximally be relative to screen. Default = 0.97 (max 97% of screen height).

  • swipe_move_treshold in touch mode how big move relative to the screen width is considered a swipe and picture changed according to the direction. Default is 0.1 (10% of screen width).

  • tap_move_treshold maximal movement allowed relative to the screen width for tap detection. Default is 0

  • user_defined_templates default is false. If set to true system searches for a template html inside dom (can be hidden) for default design. Thus 2 additional variables must be defined:

    • gallery_template template element for click mode (defined jQuery style: #mytemplate means id ="mytemplate", .mytemplate means class="mytemplate")
    • gallery_touch_template template element for touch mode.
  • default_styles default is true. Defines if gallery adds its default css into dom head before all css-es or not.

loader_template Loading spinner html template

<div class="edys-gallery-loading-wrap">
    <div class="edys-gallery-loading">

spinner_options Spin.js ( spinner will be loaded into loader template. User can configure its parameters setting this option. Default is:

spinner_options: {
    lines: 10,
    length: 8,
    radius: 9,
    trail: 57,
    speed: 1.4

loader_template_ie_lt9 Loading spinner html template for IE up to 8

<div class="edys-gallery-loading-wrap">
    <div class="edys-gallery-loading">

##Configuring manually edys_gallery on elements and its events

edys_gallery can be initiated manually on forms as such if jQuery is loaded. Options are as in main configuration variables and passed as object.


Gallery elements edys_gallery javascript object bound to it can be called out as follows to access its functions

var obj = $('#element-id').edys_gallery('get_object');

If jQuery is preloaded you can access module loaded event like this (alernatively to edys_gallery_options.init_complete. If edys_gallery_options.init_complete is set this event is not listened to):

$('body').bind('Edys_gallery_complete', function (){ alert('foo'); });

#Designing HTML and css

Default html for reference. For touch mode template all classes have "-touch" suffix:

<div class="edys-gallery-popup">
    <div class="edys-gallery-overlay"></div>
    <div class="edys-gallery-btns"></div>
    <div class="edys-gallery-bottom-btns">
        <div class="edys-gallery-btn-wrap"><div class="edys-gallery-left"></div></div>
        <div class="edys-gallery-btn-wrap edys-gallery-btn-wrap-middle"><div class="edys-gallery-close"></div></div>
        <div class="edys-gallery-btn-wrap"><div class="edys-gallery-right"></div></div>
    <div class="edys-gallery-content-wrap">
       <div class="edys-gallery-image-wrap"></div>
       <div class="edys-gallery-title"></div>


Edicy gallery lightbox-widget






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