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Phoenix Engine

CodeFactor MSBuild

The engine aims for faster 2D rendering using OpenGL (as of now) with Glfw window and ImGui interface.

This engine is inspired by TheCherno's Hazel Engine. The engine uses extensive and core MS Visual C++.

I'll add OpenGL implementations soon. The engine is infant at this stage.

You can access the engine with Microsoft© Visual Studio Community 2019.

The developers using the engine must include the engine's logo in their projects.


Logo designed by Shubham Kushwaha.

The engine is more or less a code along of the game engine series of TheCherno.

How to set up?

  1. Clone this repository on to your local machine using git clone <URL> --recursive to clone all the submodules as well.

  2. Run Generate.bat file to create the Microsoft Visual Studio solution & project files.

  3. Open the Phoenix.sln file with Microsoft Visual Studio.

  4. Done! 😏