ADD YELP TOKEN TO GRADLE.PROPERTIES: Put your Yelp Token in the file looking like this YelpToken = "o50T7xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxcx"
- ADD GRADLE.PROPERTIES TO .GITIGNORE: Make sure this file is in your .gitignore file BEFORE your first git commit, or it will not be ignored. You might want to email yourself a copy of the file, so you can reproduce the app.
- EDIT BUILD.GRADLE FILE: Then add a line in your build.gradle file (Module:app) that looks like this
android {
buildTypes.each {
it.buildConfigField 'String', 'YELP_TOKEN', YelpToken
This tells gradle to auto generate these Static Strings in the ****** file.
3. CREATE A CONSTANTS.JAVA CLASS. Create a new class called and add a line like:
`public static final String YELP_TOKEN = BuildConfig.YELP_TOKEN;`
4. NOW YOU CAN ACCESS THE STRING VIA CONSTANT: Now you can access your strings in your code using this format = `Constants.STEVE_LAST_NAME`
5. Add instructions to your file to explain to others how to re-create your
## GoogleFirebase API keys are stored in app/google-services.json, and apparently it's okay to leave in your repo.