This is a small utility to benchmark various Zsh frameworks. All of the frameworks are 'installed' to a temporary directory (/tmp/zsh-benchmark). The raw results are saved in /tmp/zsh-benchmark-results. All of the frameworks are built with the instructions provided by the project's.
To run, simply clone the repo and run ./run.zsh
The options are:
./run.zsh <options>
-h Show this help
-k Keep the frameworks (don't delete) after the tests are complete (default: delete)
-p <path> Set the path to where the frameworks should be 'installed' (default: /tmp/zsh-benchmark)
-n <num> Set the number of iterations to run for each framework (default: 100)
-f <framework> Select a specific framework to benchmark (default: all)
See the Zim wiki 'Speed' page for my personal benchmarks.