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EvoLand Create and Upload a STAC Collection Example Notebook

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This repository contains one Python Jupyter Notebooks showing an example of creating and uploading a STAC collection.

Local Installation Instructions

To run the notebook locally execute the steps below (please note: the Anaconda Python environment has been tested on Linux Ubuntu 18.04, on Windows please use in step 3 the runtime optimized trimmed version environment_windows.yml):

  1. Install Anaconda to manage virtual environments. You can follow the instructions here.

  2. Clone the repository and get into the repo folder:

  3. A Terrascope account is required for the use of the stac-api. An account can be created at. Once the account is created, the credentials should be stored in a .env file in order to run the notebook (You can rename .env.example file or create a new .env file in the root folder).

  4. Create a new conda environment with the following command:

        conda env create -f environment.yml
        conda env create -f environment_windows.yml (use this line on Windows)
  1. Once the process is complete, you can activate the environment:
        conda activate stacbuilder-notebooks
  1. Now you can start the Jupyter Notebook Server and use the notebooks, just typing:
        jupyter notebook
  1. This should open up a new window in your default web browser, where you can select the notebook you prefer.

Add new collections

The notebook relies heavily on stac-catalog-builder for the creation of STAC collections, and helper methods to work with the stac-api.

Documentation on how to configure a new dataset can be found at link and can be applied to this notebook as well.

  1. Create a new folder under notebooks for the new dataset.
  2. Create a config-collection.json file at the root of the new directory. A template file can be found at config-collection.json, and fill the required fields in the file.
  3. Once set up, the collection can be created with CLI commands (see docs), or a script.


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