This tool can help you uninstall it when you forget the password of Mythware Student Client Program. You can reinstall the student side program with a new password later.
- 当程序出现注册表错误时,请反复运行该程序;如果反复运行无效,则重启之后重试。
When registry errors occur while running, please run the program repeatedly; if it is still invalid, retry again after rebooting your computer.
- 不要用于恶意退出学生端程序
Do not use it maliciously to quit student program.
- 运行时需要管理员权限
Administrator permissions are required for running successfully
- 禁止用于商业用途
Do not use it for any commercial purpose.
除此之外,请遵守与 GNU GPLv3 协议相关的所有内容。
In addition, please comply with all the content related to the GNU GPLv3 protocol.
- 推荐使用 Visual Studio 2017 进行编译
It is recommended to compile the program with Visual Studio 2017
- 记得打开“多字节字符集”选项
Remember to turn on the Multi-byte character set