Table of Contents
An app to mark landmark points and lines on an input image
is a ChRIS ds-type application that consumes upstream information about landmarks in an image, and generates measurement lines on the actual image itself. Additionally, it also generates a mini-report, embedded within the image itself as well a text (JSON) file.
docker run --rm fnndsc/pl-markimg markimg [-j|--inputJsonName <jsonFileName>] [-i|--inputImageName <pngFileName>] [-p|--pointMarker <pointMarker>] [-c|--pointColor <pointColor>] [-l|--lineColor <lineColor>] [-t|--textColor <textColor>] [-s|--textSize <textSize>] [-w|--lineWidth <lineWidth>] [-q|--textPos <textPosition>] [-g|--lineGap <lineGap>] [-z|--pointSize <sizeInPixels>] [--addText <additionalText>] [--addTextSize <additionalTextSize>] [--addTextPos <additionalTextPosition>] [--addTextColor <additionalTextColor>] [--addTextOffset <additionalTextOffsetPosition>] [-h|--help] [--json] [--man] [--meta] [--savejson <DIR>] [-v|--verbosity <level>] [--version] <inputDir> <outputDir>
[-j|--inputJsonName <jsonFileName>] The name of the input JSON file. Default is 'prediction.json'. [-i|--inputImageName <pngFileName>] The name of the input image file. Default is 'leg.png'. [-p|--pointMarker <pointMarker>] A character that represents a point on the image. Default is 'x'. [-c|--pointColor <pointColor>] The color of the character representing points on the image. Default is 'red'. [-l|--lineColor <lineColor>] The color of the line drawn on the input image. Default is 'red'. [-t|--textColor <textColor>] The color of the text placed on the input image. Default is 'white'. [-s|--textSize <textSize>] The size of the text on the input image. Default is '5'. [-w|--lineWidth <lineWidth>] The width of line to be drawn on an input image. Default is '1'. [-q|--textPos <textPosition>] The position of text on an image. Default is 'right'. [-g|--lineGap <lineGap>] Space between lines in pixels. Default is '20'. [-z|--pointSize <sizeInPixels>] The size of points to be plotted on the image. Default is '10'. [--addText <additionalText>] If specified, burn this additional text on the final image. [--addTextSize <additionalTextSize>] The size of the additional text to be shown on the image. Default is 5. [--addTextPos <additionalTextPosition>] The position of the additional text to be shown on the image. Default is right. [--addTextColor <additionalTextColor>] The color of the additional text to be shown on the image. Default is white. [--addTextOffset <additionalTextOffset>] If specified, move the additional text using the offset coordinates (x,y). Accepts a tuple in the form of "x,y" [-h] [--help] If specified, show help message and exit. [--json] If specified, show json representation of app and exit. [--man] If specified, print (this) man page and exit. [--meta] If specified, print plugin meta data and exit. [--savejson <DIR>] If specified, save json representation file to DIR and exit. [-v <level>] [--verbosity <level>] Verbosity level for app. Not used currently. [--version] If specified, print version number and exit.
Getting inline help is:
docker run --rm fnndsc/pl-markimg markimg --man
You need to specify input and output directories using the -v flag to docker run.
docker run --rm -u $(id -u) \
-v $(pwd)/in:/incoming -v $(pwd)/out:/outgoing \
fnndsc/pl-markimg markimg \
/incoming /outgoing
Build the Docker container:
docker build -t local/pl-markimg .
Run unit tests:
docker run --rm local/pl-markimg nosetests
Put some examples here!