Comparison of various sorting algorithms.
is a simple modular program that debugs various sorting algorithms in order to spot advantages and drawbacks of each one. It consists of a main program, sorting.c
, which executes the various algorithms while keeping track of many operations and resource usage.
It currently displays:
- time,
- comparisons,
- swappings,
- writes,
- recursion depth,
- space,
- memory allocations.
The algorithms implemented are divided in two groups depending on their performances:
- fast:
- comb_sort,
- heap_sort,
- merge_sort,
- quick_sort,
- quick_fast_sort,
- shell_sort,
- ciura_shell_sort;
- slow:
- bubble_sort,
- cocktail_sort,
- gnome_sort,
- insertion_sort,
- selection_sort.
performs sorting on different types of arrays in order to emphasize different characteristics of the algorithms (such as adaptiveness).
It currently sorts arrays of length - type:
- 5000 - decreasing,
- 15000 - decreasing,
- 25000 - decreasing,
- 5000 - almost sorted,
- 15000 - almost sorted,
- 25000 - almost sorted,
- 5000 - random,
- 25000 - random,
- 50000 - random,
- 100000 - random,
- 300000 - random,
- 500000 - random.