A save editor for Vectorio Remake written in Python. Made for people who aren't programmers! <3
Go to the Releases tab, download the file named "VecEdit_<your os name>" run the executable file inside.
Use the "Import" button to import a save file.
- Made on & for Linux & Windows
- Mac support is limited, because we have no Mac bug testers.
Where do I report bugs?
- issues section at the top, or
in the Discord server
Why is my save not working in-game?
the in-app "filename" section has to match the actual file name of the file you exported. E.g, you can't have the filename section set to "my_awesome_save.sav", and name it "save_file_game.sav" and expect it to work.
This could also be because you set values too high. Caps for number values can range between 127, and 9 quadrillion...
I have a ".py" file, and double-clicking doesn't work!
- Please refer to the "How to use" section. The .py is code, and not an executable file you can double-click and run
Can I contribute?
- Absolutely! Make pull requests, and I'll look into them.