This project aims to develop a WebApi application that encompasses fundamental services of a movie store.
- Movie Title
- Release Year
- Genre
- Director
- Actors
- Price
- First Name
- Last Name
- Movies Played In
- First Name
- Last Name
- Movies Directed
- First Name
- Last Name
- Purchased Movies
Movie Operations
- Add/Delete/Update/List Movies
Customer Operations
- Add/Delete Customers/List Customers
Actor Operations
- Add/Delete/Update/List Actors
Director Operations
- Add/Delete/Update/List Directors
Movie Purchase
- Customers can purchase movies through the application.
Customer-Based Purchase Data
- The list of purchased movies can be viewed on a customer basis. Deleted movies should not affect order data.
Movie Genres
- Can be created as default when the application is launched.
Entity Objects
- Should not be used as Input/Output.
Models and DTOs
- Objects should be transformed into each other using the AutoMapper library.
Controller and Service Operations
- Service operations should not be performed within controllers.
- Each service should have a validation class. The application should be protected with strict rules.
Exception and Logging
- Exception and logging infrastructure should be created using middleware.
Dependency Management
- Dependencies should be managed from a single point using DI Container.
Authentication and Authorization
- A basic Authentication and Authorization structure should be implemented.
Deletion Operations
- Data consistency should be considered. Related data cannot be deleted.
- Copy project files to your computer.
- Open the project in an IDE (Visual Studio, VS Code, etc.).
- Install required packages:
dotnet restore
. - Start the application:
dotnet run
Note: To run the project, you need to have at least [.NET 6.0.100] version of the .NET Core SDK installed on your computer. If it's not installed, you can download the latest version of .NET 6.0 SDK from the official .NET website.