This package provides a simple way to estimate parametric statistical models given by functional equation. The author was inspired by well-known theory of M-estimation.
In addition to model estimation, there are functions that simulate and fit data. This can be useful for assessing the quality of theoretical asymptotic confidence regions, or study effects in misspecified models.
The implementation is based on low-level tensorflow 2.0 functional API
This demo follows closely an example from the .ipynb notebook included in the repository.
After installing a package and importing necessary functionality from utils
and classes
modules, one can define a parametric model in a few code blocks:
- Define the functional form (e.g. linear model)
def linear_equation(input_features, params):
return tf.squeeze(tf.matmul(input_features, params['W']))+ params['b']
- Define the process generating data
def linear_gaussian_simulation_scheme(X_mean, X_cov, params, y_ssq):
def concrete_linear_simulation_scheme(num_samples):
X_sim = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean = X_mean, cov = X_cov, size = num_samples).astype(np.float32)
err = np.random.normal(loc = 0., size = num_samples, scale = np.sqrt(y_ssq)).astype(np.float32)
y_sim = linear_equation(X_sim, params) + err
return tf.Variable(X_sim) , y_sim
return concrete_linear_simulation_scheme
# future model weights
W0 = tf.Variable([[-.5],[.8]], dtype = tf.float32)
b0 = tf.Variable(1.0, dtype = tf.float32)
linear_params0 = OrderedDict({'W': W0, 'b': b0})
- Define the model and assign a simulation scheme
mc = ModelFromConcreteFunction(linear_equation, model_name = "ols_linear", params = linear_params0) # params keys must be compatible with linear equation
X_cov = np.array([[1,.95], [.95,1]], dtype = np.float32)
mc.simulation_scheme = linear_gaussian_simulation_scheme(
np.array([0., 0.], dtype = np.float32),
y_ssq = 9.
- Generate data and fit the model
num_samples = 1000
tmp_x, tmp_y = mc.simulation_scheme(num_samples)
tmp_x, tmp_y
, num_steps = tf.Variable(1000)
, loss = sq_loss
, params = linear_params0 # initial quess
, optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate = 1e-2)
- Fit multiple models independently with a specified simulation scheme
num_samples = 1000
res = mc.fit_simulated_experiments(num_samples = num_samples
, num_experiments = 100
, num_steps = tf.Variable(2000)
, params = linear_params0
, loss = sq_loss
, optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate = 1e-2)
- Plot results of estimations across experiments
cov_est = mc.parameter_covariance_plug_in_estimator(tmp_x, tmp_y, linear_params0, loss = sq_loss)
m = ravel_dicts([linear_params0])
proj = np.eye(3,2)
plot_confidence_2d_projection(m.reshape(-1,1), cov_est, proj, ravel_dicts(res))
The repository includes an .ipynb notebook with several simple examples:
- Ordinary Least Squares estimation of linear model
- Weighted Least Squares estimation of linear model
- Ordinary Least Squares estimation with nonlinear functional form
- Log-likelihood estimation of homoskedastic linear model
- Log-likelihood estimation of heteroskedastic linear model
- van der Vaart, A. W. (1998). Asymptotic Statistics, Cambridge University Press
- Stefanski, L., and Boos, D. (2002). The Calculus of M-Estimation. The American Statistician