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Parse markdown to html and preview it, compatible with GitHub flavored markdown and support mermaid.


  1. Install node.js and npm.
  2. Install markdown-it and highlight.js packages globally
    • npm install -g markdown-it
    • npm install -g highlight.js
  3. Set NODE_PATH environment variable
  4. Copy the after folder to ~/.vim.
  5. Ensure you have the line filetype plugin on in your .vimrc.
  6. Open a markdown file in vim and execute command :MkdView. Enjoy it!


  1. :MkdView, to preview markdown file. The default key map <leader>v calls this command.

  2. :Mkd2html, converting markdown file to html file and store html file.


MarkdownViewer Screenshot


  1. g:mdv_theme , the theme of html file. The available values are :
    • github
    • github2, the default
    • github3
    • clear
    • clearDark
    • vue
    • vue-dark
  2. g:mdv_highlight_code, to highlight code or not, default value is 1. If you want to prevent to highlight code, you can set it to 0 in .vimrc.
  3. g:mdv_code_theme, the theme of code in html file, provided by highlight.js. The default value is default. The possible values are :
    • arta
    • ascetic
    • atelier-dune.dark
    • atelier-dune.light
    • atelier-forest.dark
    • atelier-forest.light
    • atelier-heath.dark
    • atelier-heath.light
    • atelier-lakeside.dark
    • atelier-lakeside.light
    • atelier-seaside.dark
    • atelier-seaside.light
    • codepen-embed
    • color-brewer
    • dark
    • default
    • docco
    • far
    • foundation
    • github
    • googlecode
    • hybrid
    • idea
    • ir_black
    • kimbie.dark
    • kimbie.light
    • magula
    • mono-blue
    • monokai
    • monokai_sublime
    • obsidian
    • paraiso.dark
    • paraiso.light
    • railscasts
    • rainbow
    • solarized_dark
    • solarized_light
    • sunburst
    • tomorrow-night-blue
    • tomorrow-night-bright
    • tomorrow-night-eighties
    • tomorrow-night
    • tomorrow
    • vs
    • xcode
    • zenburn
  4. g:mdv_mermaid_img, The mermaid renders graph as svg. If you want to render the graph as image, you can set this option to 1. The default value is 0.
  5. g:mdv_config_pack: a dictionary for pre-config for :MkdView config_name and :Mkd2html config_name commands
" this is a example
let g:mdv_config_pack = {
    \  'github': {
            \ 'theme': 'github2',
            \ 'highlight_code': 1,
            \ 'code_theme': 'default',
            \ 'mermaid_img': 0
    \ 'vue': {
            \ 'theme': 'vue',
            \ 'highlight_code': 1,
            \ 'code_theme': 'default',
            \ 'mermaid_img': 1
    \ }

Change Log

  • 2019-11-28
    • MOD :MkdView config_name
    • MOD :Mkd2html config_name
    • ADD :MarkdownView theme code_theme mermaid_img
    • ADD :Markdown2html theme code_theme mermaid_img
    • ADD command complete for all commands
  • 2019-11-21
  • 2016-08-30
    • Remove :MkdMail Command
  • 2016-01-23
    • bugfix
  • 2016-01-21
    • Add support for image and mermaid
    • Remove g:mdv_loaded, g:mdv_html
  • 2015-11-09
  • 2015-05-29
    • add :MkdMail command
  • 2015-01-15
    • add highlight for code