This is the official Discord bot for Galaxy Life, based on svr333 advanced discord bot template.
Check out players and alliances profiles, servers status, leaderboards and more!
We also use it internally for moderation purposes.
It uses our official .NET API Wrapper, available on NuGet, feel free to check it out.
You must have created a discord application on discord developer portal.
Then, set up an environement variable named Token
, and assign it your discord bot's token.
First set AdvancedBot.Console
as your startup project.
Right-click the solution and select Set as your Startup Project
, or use CTRL + ALT + P
to open the project properties and then set your startup project here.
- Press
to run the application in debug mode.
The .vscode/
folder contains all necessary configuration files for you to run the application easily.
- Press
to start the application in debug mode.