The code in this section is exploration of different deep learning techniques on individual sets and on whole dataset.
we used the Auto-mated Student Assessment Prize (ASAP) datasetby The Hewlett Foundation. (Hewlett, 2012: ac-cessed March 12, 2020) This dataset consists ofessays written by students from 7th - 10th grade.The essays are divided into 8 sets. Each set hasa prompt associated with it. There are 2 types ofprompt Type 1: Persuasive / Narrative / ExpositoryType 2: Source Dependent Responses. The firsttype of prompt asks students to state their opinionabout certain topic. The second type of prompthas a required reading associated with it and thestudents are expected to answer a question basedon their understanding of this reading. Differentprompts have been graded by different number ofgraders. But each set has a domain 1 score, which
The approaches tried in DL are:
- Try 3 different architecture involving LSTM, BiLSTM, and CNNs on individual sets and on whole dataset separately.
- Use Word2vec and Bert embeddings for feature vector representation.
- Hyperparameter tunning to optimize the loss and increase the mean QWK.
Currently the models were trained in keras(tensorflow as backend).
- Python 3+
- compute as it takes around 4-5 hours to run all the models and approaches.
I would recommend using google collab or better if you have GPU access. If you are running this locally then follow the instructions:
- Install virtual environment using:
pip install virtualenv
- Create a virtual environment using:
virtualenv aes
- Activate virtual environment
source aes/bin/activate
- Install requirements from requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
- To train the model using BERT, first change the hyperparameters in the train_{BERT/word2vec}_{sets/all}.py file
- once you have changed the hyperparameters, run the respective file for training. For example
Using BERT and train on per set, run:
- Using BERT and train on whole data set, run:
- Using WORD2VEC and train on whole dataset, run:
- If you would like to run the Notebook then you can directly open the AES.ipynb, and run cell by cell, but the results there may vary.
- There is a PDF of the Notebook attached to see the results we got after training the models.
[Future Work]:
- add commmand line parameters for passing hyperparameters.
- add pytorch support.
- add GPU support for models.
- add more extensive hyperparameters.
- add sigmoid activation.
- Topic modelling using LDA.
- Visualization for topic modelling.