This repository contains various datasets, Jupyter notebooks, and machine learning models that accompany the "Learning Machine Learning" series of blog posts:
- Learning Machine Learning Part 1: Introduction and Revoke-Obfuscation
- Learning Machine Learning Part 2: Attacking White Box Models
- Learning Machine Learning Part 3: Attacking Black Box Models
- Feature Selection.ipynb - code for performing the various types of feature selection
- LogisticRegression.ipynb - training a tuned Logistic Regression model on the augmented obfuscated PowerShell dataset
- TreeModels.ipynb - training various tree ensemble models on the augmented obfuscated PowerShell dataset
- NeuralNetworks.ipynb - training various Neural Network models on the augmented obfuscated PowerShell dataset
- WhiteBox.ipynb - white box attacks against the trained Logistic Regression and LightGBM Classifier
- WhiteBox-NeutalNetwork.ipynb - white box attacks against the trained Neural Network
- BlackBox.ipynb - black box attacks against the trained models
- BlackBox-Model3.ipynb - optimization attacks against model 3, the trained Neural Network
- tuned_ridge.bin - Pickled tuned L2 (Ridge) regularized Logistic Regression model pipeline trained on the augmented obfuscated PowerShell dataset
- tuned_lgbm.bin - Pickled tuned LightGBM classifier model trained on the augmented obfuscated PowerShell dataset
- ./neural_network/ - Saved model weights for a 4-layer 192 neuron Neural Network with a dropout of .5
- PowerShellCorpus.ast.csv.7z - compressed csv of AST features extracted from an augmented PowerShell corpus dataset of 14702 samples
- BlackBoxData.ast.csv.7z - compressed csv of AST features extracted from a subset of the PowerShell corpus (3000 samples)
- C# project that integrates the checks from Revoke-Obfuscation (by Daniel Bohannon & Lee Holmes, Apache License 2.0) for AST file generation. Also contains SplitScriptFunctions that outputs every function in a script to a separate file, used for data augmentation.
- Various adversarial samples generated by white/black box evasion methods