Ethereum contract for liquid pledging capped milestone plugin
Welcome to the code for the capped milestone plugin for liquid pledging. This contract sets the rules for capped milestones on the Giveth dapp.
- Click Star on this repo near the top-right corner of this web page (if you want to).
- Join our slack if you haven't already.
- Fork this repo by clicking Fork button in top-right corner of this web page. Continue to follow instruction steps from your own lpp-capped-milestone repo.
- The rest of these steps must be done from your machine's command line. Clone your own "lpp-capped-milestone" repo:
git clone
- Change directories to lpp-capped-milestone:
cd lpp-capped-milestone
Make sure you have NodeJS (v8.4.0 or higher) and npm (5.4.1 or higher) installed.
The lpp-capped-milestone contract is published as an npm package for developer convenience. To include it as a dependency in your package.json run this from your apps root dirctory.
npm install lpp-capped-milestone --save
This plugin is currently being used by the Giveth dapp. Follow the instructions on the readme.
Reach out to us on slack for any help or to share ideas.