Google Cloud Composer is the de facto data processing orchestration engine in Google Cloud Platform. Orchestration is the core of any data pipeline. This solution allows customers to easily launch templates without needing extensive expertise in cloud composer. This also simplifies the process of loading, processing, scheduling, and orchestrating jobs within the Google Cloud Platform.
This is not an officially supported Google product. Please be aware that bugs may lurk, and that we reserve the right to make small backwards-incompatible changes. Feel free to open bugs or feature requests, or contribute directly (see for details).
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
The solution has undergone pre-testing with a variety of operators, as showcased in the examples/dag_configs folder.
Here's a list of the operators that have been pretested:
Operator | Description |
BigQueryCreateEmptyDatasetOperator | Create a new dataset for your Project in BigQuery. |
BigQueryCreateEmptyTableOperator | Creates a new table in the specified BigQuery dataset, optionally with schema. |
BigQueryGetDataOperator | Fetch data and return it, either from a BigQuery table, or results of a query job. |
BigQueryToGCSOperator | Transfers a BigQuery table to a Google Cloud Storage bucket. |
BigQueryExecuteQueryOperator | Executes BigQuery SQL queries in a specific BigQuery database. |
CloudSQLExecuteQueryOperator | Performs DDL or DML SQL queries in Google Cloud SQL instance. |
CloudSQLImportInstanceOperator | Import data into a Cloud SQL instance from Cloud Storage. |
CloudSQLExportInstanceOperator | Export data from a Cloud SQL instance to a Cloud Storage bucket. |
CountTokensOperator | Pre-determine the number of tokens of a provided prompt. |
DataflowTemplatedJobStartOperator | Start a Templated Cloud Dataflow job; the parameters of the operation will be passed to the job. |
DataflowStartFlexTemplateOperator | Starts flex templates with the Dataflow pipeline. |
BeamRunJavaPipelineOperator | Starts dataflow Java job |
CloudDataFusionStartPipelineOperator | Starts a datafusion pipeline |
CloudDLPCreateDLPJobOperator | Creates a new job to inspect storage or calculate risk metrics for sensitive data and masks sensitive values. |
DataflowStopJobOperator | Stops the job with the specified name prefix or Job ID. |
DataformCreateCompilationResultOperator | Creates a new CompilationResult in a given project and location. |
DataformCreateWorkflowInvocationOperator | Creates a new WorkflowInvocation in a given Repository. |
DataprocCreateClusterOperator | Create a new cluster on Google Cloud Dataproc. |
DataprocUpdateClusterOperator | Update a cluster in a project. |
DataprocSubmitJobOperator | Submit a job to a cluster. |
DataprocDeleteClusterOperator | Delete a cluster in a project. |
DataprocCreateWorkflowTemplateOperator | Creates new workflow template. |
DataprocInstantiateWorkflowTemplateOperator | Instantiate a WorkflowTemplate on Google Cloud Dataproc. |
GCSCreateBucketOperator | Creates a new bucket. |
GCSSynchronizeBucketsOperator | Synchronizes the contents of the buckets or bucket's directories in the Google Cloud Services. |
GCSListObjectsOperator | List all objects from the bucket filtered by given string prefix and delimiter in name or match_glob. |
GCSDeleteBucketOperator | Deletes bucket from a Google Cloud Storage. |
GCSObjectsWithPrefixExistenceSensor | Checks for the existence of GCS objects at a given prefix, passing matches via XCom. |
GCSDeleteObjectsOperator | Deletes objects from a list or all objects matching a prefix from a Google Cloud Storage bucket. |
GCSDeleteObjectsOperator | Deletes objects from a list or all objects matching a prefix from a Google Cloud Storage bucket. |
GenerativeModelGenerateContentOperator | Generate content via a Generative Model like Google Gemini. |
PythonOperator | Creates and runs custom defined Python Functions. |
SpannerQueryDatabaseInstanceOperator | Executes an arbitrary DML query (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) on Cloud Spanner. |
SupervisedFineTuningTrainOperator | Fine-tune a generative model and deploy it to an endpoint. |
- DAG parameters: Defines general DAG-level settings like dag_id, description, schedule_interval, etc.
dag_id: cloudspanner_import_export_tasks_dag
description: "Sample example to import/export data in and out of cloud spanner."
catchup: False
tags: ["spanner","test","v1.1"]
max_active_tasks: 5
dagrun_timeout: timedelta(hours=3)
is_paused_upon_creation: True
- default_args: Specifies default arguments to be applied to all tasks in the DAG, such as owner, retries, and email notifications.
owner: 'test'
depends_on_past: False
retries: 3
email_on_failure: False
email_on_retry: False
email: ["[email protected]"]
retry_delay: 1 # minutes
mode: "reschedule"
poke_interval: 120
sla: 60
- custom_python_functions: Allows you to define custom Python functions to be used within the DAG.
Import from file: Python functions can be imported directly from file by setting
import_functions_from_file: True
custom_python_functions: import_functions_from_file: True functions_file_path: examples/python_function_files/
Define in YAML: Or, python functions can be directly defined in the YAML by setting
import_functions_from_file: False
custom_python_functions: import_functions_from_file: False custom_defined_functions: upload_gcs_to_spanner: description: Uploads data from a CSV file in GCS to a Cloud Spanner table. code: | def print_args(*args): """Prints all arguments passed to the function. Args: *args: Any number of arguments. """ for arg in args: print(arg)
- tasks: Contains the definitions of individual tasks within the DAG. Each task is defined with properties like task_id, task_type, and task-specific configurations.
- task_id: gcs_to_spanner
task_type: airflow.operators.python_operator.PythonOperator
python_callable: upload_gcs_to_spanner
op_kwargs: {"project_id":cc_var_gcp_project_id,"instance_id":cc_var_spanner_instance_id,"database_id":cc_var_spanner_databse_id,"bucket_name":cc_var_import_gcs_bucket_name,"file_name":cc_var_import_gcs_file_name,"table_name":cc_var_spanner_table,"columns":cc_var_spanner_table_columns}
trigger_rule : 'all_done'
- extract_data
- task_id: delete_results_from_spanner
instance_id: cc_var_spanner_instance_id
database_id: cc_var_spanner_databse_id
query: cc_var_spanner_sql_query
project_id: cc_var_gcp_project_id
trigger_rule : 'all_done'
- gcs_to_spanner
- task_id: spanner_to_gcs
task_type: airflow.operators.python_operator.PythonOperator
python_callable: export_spanner_to_gcs
op_kwargs: {"project_id":cc_var_gcp_project_id,"instance_id":cc_var_spanner_instance_id,"database_id":cc_var_spanner_databse_id,"bucket_name":cc_var_export_gcs_bucket_name,"file_name":cc_var_export_gcs_file_name,"sql_query":cc_var_spanner_sql_export_query}
trigger_rule : 'all_done'
- delete_results_from_spanner
- task_groups: Contains the definitions of Airflow TaskGroups within the DAG. Refer Nested TaskGroup example
- group_id: my_task_group1
- task_id: bash_example1
task_type: airflow.operators.bash.BashOperator
bash_command: |
echo "bash_example1"
ls -l
- task_id: bash_example2
task_type: airflow.operators.bash.BashOperator
bash_command: |
echo "bash_example2"
- group_id: extract_data
- my_task_group1
- task_id: extract_from_source_a
task_type: airflow.providers.postgres.operators.postgres.PostgresOperator
sql: SELECT * FROM source_a;
- bash_example1
- task_id: extract_from_source_b
task_type: airflow.providers.postgres.operators.postgres.PostgresOperator
sql: SELECT * FROM source_b;
- bash_example2
task_dependency: Controls the default task dependency behavior. All tasks with dependencies are validated against the YAML-defined tasks, regardless of the scenario
Default: Dependency will be dynamically built based on
in your task definitionstask_dependency: default_task_dependency: True
Custom: User provided dependency.
task_dependency: default_task_dependency: True custom_task_dependency: - "my_task_group1 >> extract_data" - "bash_example1 >> extract_from_source_a" - "bash_example2 >> extract_from_source_b" - "extract_data >> gcs_to_spanner >> delete_results_from_spanner >> [spanner_to_gcs, sample_python]"
task_variables: Manages the loading and defining of variables used within the DAG. You can either import variables from a YAML file in GCS or define them directly within this section.
Import from file: Loads the variable dynamically during runtime from a file in GCS by setting
import_from_file: True
task_variables: import_from_file: True # Boolean to enable/disable file import file_name: cloudspanner_tasks_variables.yaml environment: dev
Define in YAML: Directly defined in YAML by setting
import_from_file: False
. Variables must have the mandatory prefixcc_var_
task_variables: import_from_file: False # Boolean to enable/disable file import variables: cc_var_gcp_project_id: composer-templates-dev cc_var_spanner_instance_id: composer-templates-spannerdb cc_var_spanner_databse_id: dev-spannerdb cc_var_spanner_table: Products cc_var_spanner_table_columns: ["ProductId","ProductName","Description","Price","LastModified"] cc_var_spanner_sql_query: "DELETE FROM Products WHERE LastModified < TIMESTAMP_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(), INTERVAL 4 DAY);" cc_var_import_gcs_bucket_name: composer-templates-dev-input-files cc_var_import_gcs_file_name: spanner_input/sample_data_spanner.csv cc_var_export_gcs_bucket_name: hmh_backup cc_var_export_gcs_file_name: spanner_output/product_data_output.csv cc_var_spanner_sql_export_query: "SELECT * FROM Products ;"
To generate the DAG, please provide the following command-line arguments tailored to your specific use case:
Argument | Description |
--config_file (mandatory) | Template configuration YAML file location |
--dag_template (optional) | Template to use for DAG generation. Default template is standard_dag.template |
Below code samples will produce a Python file for the DAG, using the same name as the dag_id specified within the YAML file.
python3 source/ --config_file examples/dag_configs/cloudspanner_import_export_config.yaml
To deploy the DAG, please provide the following command-line arguments tailored to your Google Cloud Composer enviornment.
Below parameters are supplied for deployment
Parameter | Description |
gcp_project_id | Google Cloud Platform Project ID |
gcp_composer_env_id | Google Cloud Composer Environment Name |
composer_env_location | Google Cloud Composer Environment location |
dag_file | Full file path of the python DAG file to be uploaded E.g '/Users/abc/main/dags/' |
tasks_variables_flag | Tasks Variable flag which states that the DAG read variables from use_case_tasks_variables.yaml file allowed values are True or False |
tasks_variables_file | Full file path of the YAML task variables file to be uploaded E.g '/examples/composer_dag_tasks_variables/cloudspanner_tasks_variables.yaml' |
The command serves as an example, please update the parameters values as per your Google Cloud Platform configurations.
python3 /source/ \
-gcp_project_id='composer-templates' \
-gcp_composer_env_name='composer-templates' \
-composer_env_location='us-central1' \
-dag_file='/examples/dags/' \
-tasks_variables_flag=False \