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Greptime Helm Charts


This is the repository that contains Greptime Helm charts.


Getting Started

Add Chart Repository

You can add the chart repository with the following commands:

helm repo add greptime
helm repo update

You can run the following command to see the charts:

helm search repo greptime

OCI Artifacts

Besides using the GitHub chart repo, you can also use OCI artifacts.

The charts are also available in ACR namespace

You don't have to add a chart repository explicitly when using OCI artifacts, for example:

helm upgrade \
  --install \
  --create-namespace \
  --set \
  greptimedb-operator oci:// \
  -n greptimedb-admin

The chart name and version will remain consistent with the GitHub chart repo.

Install the GreptimeDB Cluster

If you want to deploy the GreptimeDB cluster, you can use the following commands:

  1. Deploy etcd cluster

    We recommend using the Bitnami etcd chart to deploy the etcd cluster:

    helm upgrade \
      --install etcd oci:// \
      --set replicaCount=3 \
      --set auth.rbac.create=false \
      --set auth.rbac.token.enabled=false \
      --create-namespace \
      -n etcd-cluster

    You can also use oci://

  2. Deploy GreptimeDB operator

    The greptimedb-operator will install in the greptimedb-admin namespace:

    helm upgrade \
      --install \
      --create-namespace \
      greptimedb-operator greptime/greptimedb-operator \
      -n greptimedb-admin
  3. Deploy GreptimeDB cluster

    Install the GreptimeDB cluster in the default namespace:

    • Default installation

      The default installation will use the local storage:

      helm upgrade \
        --install mycluster \
        --set meta.etcdEndpoints=etcd.etcd-cluster.svc.cluster.local:2379 \
        greptime/greptimedb-cluster \
        -n default
    • Use AWS S3 as backend storage

      Before installation, you must create the AWS S3 bucket, and the cluster will use the bucket as backend storage:

      helm upgrade \
        --install mycluster \
        --set meta.etcdEndpoints=etcd.etcd-cluster.svc.cluster.local:2379 \
        --set objectStorage.s3.bucket="your-bucket" \
        --set objectStorage.s3.region="region-of-bucket" \
        --set objectStorage.s3.root="root-directory-of-data" \
        --set objectStorage.credentials.accessKeyId="your-access-key-id" \
        --set objectStorage.credentials.secretAccessKey="your-secret-access-key" \
        greptime/greptimedb-cluster \
        -n default
  4. Use kubectl port-forward to access the GreptimeDB cluster

    # You can use the MySQL or PostgreSQL client to connect the cluster, for example: 'mysql -h -P 4002'.
    kubectl port-forward -n default svc/mycluster-frontend 4001:4001 4002:4002 4003:4003 4000:4000 > connections.out &

    If you want to expose the service to the public, you can use the kubectl port-forward command with the --address option:

    kubectl port-forward --address svc/mycluster-frontend 4001:4001 4002:4002 4003:4003 4000:4000 > connections.txt &

    You can also read and write data using refer to the docs.


If you want to re-deploy the service because the configurations changed, you can:

helm upgrade --install <your-release> <chart> --values <your-values-file> -n <namespace>

For example:

helm upgrade --install mycluster greptime/greptimedb-cluster --values ./values.yaml


If you want to terminate the GreptimeDB cluster, you can use the following command:

helm uninstall mycluster -n default
helm uninstall etcd -n etcd-cluster
helm uninstall greptimedb-operator -n greptimedb-admin

The CRDs of GreptimeDB are not deleted by default after uninstalling greptimedb-operator unless you use --set crds.keep=false.

You can delete CRDs manually by the following commands:

kubectl delete crds
kubectl delete crds

List of Charts


helm-charts uses the Apache 2.0 license to strike a balance between open contributions and allowing you to use the software however you want.