This is a Vite plugin that allows you to develop for kintone using Vite. We know that Vite uses ESM for module loading, but when uploading custom JavaScript to kintone, you cannot specify the use of ESM for loading. With this plugin, you can use ESM module loading for your code during local development, enabling Vite builds. With HMR, your development experience will be as fast as lightning.
この OSS は、私個人の著作物であり、サイボウズ株式会社、その他、私の所属する組織とは一切関係ありません。
This OSS is my own personal work and does not have any relationship with Cybozu Inc. or any other organization which I belong to.
# yarn
yarn add -D vite-plugin-kintone-dev
# npm
npm i -D vite-plugin-kintone-dev
On the first launch, it will automatically check your env file's setting template. If it is not configured, it will start a command line interaction for you to enter configuration information, and automatically update your env file.
If your env file settings are incorrect, you can modify them yourself.
(In serve mode, it's the ".env.development" file, in build mode, it's the ".env.production" file)
// vite.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import kintoneDev from "vite-plugin-kintone-dev";
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [kintoneDev()],
When building, if you want to specify the file name, please add the parameter {outputName:"xxx"}. If you want to automatically upload to kintone, please add the parameter {upload:true}.
outputName: "mobile",
upload: true,
After launching vite dev the 'vite_plugin_kintone_dev_module_hack.js' script will be automatically uploaded to the custom settings page of kintone. During vite build, this JavaScript script will be deleted, and the post-build JS file will be generated
Some kintone mobile demo:
React + TypeScript + Vite + kintone + material-ui
example: kintone mobile custom demo(react)
vue3 + vite4 + + vant4 + typescript
example: kintone mobile custom demo(vue)
kintone + vue + vite
example: vue-kintone-vite-demo
kintone + react + vite
example: react-kintone-vite-demo
If you encounter the issue of イベントハンドラー登録の適切なタイミングについて during development,you can try to solve the problem by using the following code after mounting after using the kintone event.
(During the build, it can be deleted, because the esm mode is no longer used during the build, there is no asynchronous loading problem.)
Example of src/main.ts:
import { createApp } from "vue";
import App from "./App.vue";"", (event) => {
const app = createApp(App);
return event;
//Solve the timing issue of asynchronous event execution by manually executing the kintone event.
const event = new Event("load");
// @ts-ignore