This is a Visual Studio project based on a Chris Hammond DNN template for version 7 and above.
To get up and running quickly just build the solution in release mode and install the module using the .zip file created in the /install
Once you have added the module to a page you must then go into the module settings and find the module specific settings for the DNNContactForm module. In there you can set a Google Recaptcha code, the recipient email
address for the enquiries and a success page that you want the user directed to on successful submission e.g. /Success
. If you leave the success page
blank the module will hide the form and show a success message on submit.
Note: A Google Recaptcha code is required otherwise the form will not submit.
Check the resources file /App_localResources/View.ascx.resx
to edit some of the messages.
This module is Bootstrap enabled so if your site is using Bootstrap it should render as a Bootstrap form.
Validation is handled by the browser but I am using custom input validation error messages to improve this. Some further validation is carried out by the server side code before submission.
Enquiries are logged to a table called ContactUsFormLog.
I am using Simple.Data to do the INSERT.
Note, I am not using object qualifiers in this project. You may need to edit the code
in DatabaseClass.cs for your needs.