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This repository provides the benchmark for LiDAR-based 3D global registration. Currently, we support the following datasets (welcome to contribute more datasets):

The objective of this benchmark is to assess the performance of LiDAR-based 3D registration algorithms in challenging outdoor environments. We offer a test set that includes ground truth poses for each dataset. In comparison to the commonly used KITTI-10m benchmark, which is utilized in most deep-learning-based studies, our point cloud pairs present greater challenges due to the following factors:

  • The point cloud pairs are gathered in loop-closure scenarios, which are more challenging than the temporally adjacent point cloud pairs.
  • These three datasets encompass diverse outdoor environments, including urban, highway, and suburban areas.
  • In contrast to the mere 556 frames in KITTI-10m benchmark, we provide 3325 frames in KITTI Odometry, 18469 frames in KITTI-360, and 55118 frames in Apollo-SouthBay with a downsampled rate of 2m.
  • The translation and rotation of the point cloud pairs exceed those in the KITTI-10m benchmark, spanning a range of 0-40m and -180-180 degrees, respectively, as illustrated in the following figure.
img1 img2
img3 img4
:--: :--:

For the evaluation of global registration, the registration is considered successful if the estimated pose is within a deviation of 5 degrees from the ground truth rotation and 2 meters from the ground truth translation. These thresholds of 5 degrees and 2 meters for rotation and translation, respectively, are in line with the settings employed by state-of-the-art methods.

Quick Start

Pairwise Registration

If you want to get a good result without training any network, try to install teaserpp_python and open3d and run the following command to see a simple demo:

python examples/

And you will see the following results (before and after registration):

img1 img2

Comprehensive Evaluation

We have prepared the test set files in the benchmarks folder. Each file is named according to the translation range of the point cloud pairs. For instance, test_0_10.txt indicates that the translation range of the point cloud pairs is between 0 and 10 meters. Each line of the file contains the sequence ID and frame ID of the point cloud pairs, along with their corresponding ground truth pose.

To evaluate your method, please refer to For example, to evaluate TEASER with FPFH on the test set, please run the following command:

# Identify the path of KITTI Odometry dataset in the config file 'configs/dataset.yaml'
# Evaluate on KITTI-10m dataset (you will find a better result than the result reported in the paper:))
python examples/ --test_file benchmarks/kitti_10m/test.txt
# Evaluate on KITTI loop-closure dataset with a translation range of 0-10m
python examples/ --test_file benchmarks/kitti_lc/test_0_10.txt

Dataset Preparation and Test Set Generation


Download the KITTI odometry dataset from KITTI Odometry Benchmark. The folder structure should be like:

└── sequences
    ├── 00
    │   ├── calib.txt
    │   ├── times.txt
    │   └── velodyne
    |── ...

Note that the poses provided by KITTI are not accurate enough, we use the ground truth poses provided by SemanticKITTI to evaluate the performance of our method. See sem_kitti_poses for more details.


Download the KITTI-360 dataset from KITTI-360. The folder structure should be like:

├── calibration
│   ├── calib_cam_to_pose.txt
│   ├── calib_cam_to_velo.txt
│   ├── ...
├── data_3d_raw
│   ├── 2013_05_28_drive_0000_sync
│   ├── ...
├── data_poses
│   ├── 2013_05_28_drive_0000_sync
│   ├── ...


Download the Apollo dataset from Apollo-SouthBay. The folder structure should be like:

├── MapData
│   ├── BaylandsToSeafood
│   ├── ColumbiaPark
│   ├── HighWay237
│   ├── MathildaAVE
│   ├── SanJoseDowntown
│   └── SunnyvaleBigloop
├── TestData
│   ├── BaylandsToSeafood
│   ├── ColumbiaPark
│   ├── HighWay237
│   ├── MathildaAVE
│   ├── SanJoseDowntown
│   └── SunnyvaleBigloop
└── TrainData
    ├── BaylandsToSeafood
    ├── ColumbiaPark
    ├── HighWay237
    ├── MathildaAVE
    └── SanJoseDowntown

Test Set Generation

Modify the dataset.yaml file to specify the dataset path. For example,

# configs/dataset.yaml
kitti_root: /media/qzj/Document/datasets/KITTI/odometry/data_odometry_velodyne/dataset/
apollo_root: /media/qzj/Document/datasets/Apollo
kitti360_root: /media/qzj/Document/datasets/KITTI-360

# parameters for creating the benchmark
sample_interval: 2 # meters for downsample the point cloud pairs
skip_frames: 250 # skip frames for loop closure detection

Run the following command to generate the test set:

python examples/ --dataset kitti_lc
python examples/ --dataset kitti_10m
python examples/ --dataset kitti360_lc
python examples/ --dataset apollo_lc

Check the generated test set in the folder benchmarks. If you want to check the ground truth poses, please refer to

Notes: when it comes to deep learning-based methods, it is recommended to utilize sequential point clouds for training their networks.

Evaluation Results of State-of-the-art Methods

More details can be found in G3Reg.


LiDAR-based 3D global registration benchmark.







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