This repository contains the code for replicating the baselines of the MetH-datasets paper.
This code runs with Python 3.7.2. Check the python dependencies in the requirements.txt
First of all, we have to download the dataset that we aim to use. Downloading scripts are located in the download_data module. If we plan to use the MetH-Medium dataset, for example, go to terminal and run the corresponding script like following:
python download_data/
Baselines can be trained and tested using its corresponding scripts inside the baselines module. Following the same example, if we would like to run the MetH-Medium baseline, we have to first train the model and, then, test it:
python baselines/
After training the model, the code will automatically save it under the model_checkpoints/medium_DATE.ckpt
path (DATE corresponds to the current datetime). After that we can test the model:
python baselines/ model_checkpoints/medium_DATE.ckpt
Running bash scripts will be added in the near future in order to make it as easy as possible.