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OpenFOAM installation

Piet Jarmatz edited this page Oct 16, 2024 · 4 revisions

Installation for OpenFOAM Version 2206 (Oct '22)

  1. Download Source Code from Alternatively, for current version do git clone (see instructions here).
  2. Also download wget (or git clone
  3. Unzip OpenFOAM-v2206.tgz eg $ gunzip OpenFOAM-v2206.tgz or tar xzf OpenFOAM-v2206.tgz
  4. Create a folder for the build environment, e.g. in $HOME do $ mkdir openfoam and copy source code files into the new directory
  5. Use tar xzf ThirdParty-v2206.tgz to unpack and put files to ~/openfoam/OpenFOAM-v2206/ThirdParty
  6. Source the build environment, e.g. $ source ~/openfoam/OpenFOAM-v2206/etc/bashrc. You might want to add this to your personal ~/.bashrc.
  7. Check for system compatibility $ foamSystemCheck
  8. Move into the OpenFOAM-v2206 folder and do $ foam
  9. Start compilation process $ ./Allwmake -s -l (-s reduces output, -l records output into a log file) * This Process may take upwards of 4 hours to complete. You may chose to stop the compilation process and continue later with $ ./Allwmake. For faster compilation (parallel), use e.g. ./Allwmake -s -l -q -j 8.

Test validity of installation

  1. To check the installation move into the build folder and again source the build OpenFOAM environment like before
  2. let OpenFOAM run installation tests by $ foamInstallationTestand then $ foamTestTutorial -full incompressible/simpleFoam/pitzDaily

Test OpenFOAM compatibility with MaMiCo via the CouetteTest case

  1. create build folder in MaMiCo directory $ mkdir build$ and move into it $ cd build
  2. $ cmake ..
  3. $ ccmake .
  4. Move to the BUILD_WITH_OPENFOAM OFF option with the arrow keys and change it to ON via the enter key, then configure and generate via c g
  5. If error The OpenFOAM bashrc is not sourced or OpenFOAM is not installed is thrown, do $ source ~/openfoam/OpenFOAM-v2206/etc/bashrc again, the configuration files should now generate