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HackTJ 2018

The website for HackTJ 2018, held on March 10th-11th, 2018.


  • npm install
  • Optionally, install the livereload extension for your browser to automatically reload the page when you change a file.


We use SCSS as a CSS pre-processor, and all the code can be found in scss/

We also use Jade instead of HTML; the main site is all in jade/index.jade. The other pages are various ones we used for RSVPs and uploading files, which might be useful in the future depending on your registration and RSVP needs.

Javascript is all in js/, which is compiled into larger JS files the browser loads. Dependencies of each file are marked in underscores – __ files are concatenated first, then _ files, then the main file.


This project uses gulp to compile and deploy the site, and all the gulp commands can be found in gulpfile.js. Basic commands you'll need are:

  • gulp watch: starts a server on port 8000 (or the port specified by --port) and watches files for changes, compiling them on the fly.

  • gulp compile: compiles all files to the out/ directory but doesn't watch for changes or start a server

  • gulp [type] where type is js, css, html, or static: compiles all files of given type

  • gulp deploy-event: pushes to the gh-pages branch of this repository and deploys the site to

  • gulp deploy-homepage: pushes to the repo and deploys the site to

  • gulp deploy-all: shortcut for both gulp deploy event and gulp deploy homepage

Notes for next year

For next year's hackathon, you need to fork this repo and rename the copy to [current year + 1] - that way it will be displayed on our website at[current year + 1] while leaving the old website up at[current year]. Update gulpfile.js by changing the eventRepo remoteUrl to the new git url. Make sure to update all references to year and date.