This application is a simple, console-based dice-roller made for console. It can make any number of dice rolls on a simulated dice of any number of sides.
If you are running this application on a on Windows 10, the program can be run by executing panRoller.exe.
If you are running this application on another system, you will need to download the source code and build the application. I have included a Makefile in the root directory for those who wish to build it themselves; however, if you are doing so, it may be necessary to modify/remove the following compiler options from the CCFLAGS variable in the Makefile.
Once the modifications are complete, the application can be built by using GMake via the following command.
If setup was successful, executing the program will result in the following prompt.
Commands can then be issued to the application.
- Dice Roll - Rolls a n-sided die t times.exit
- Exit - Terminates the
- Help - Prints a list of commands.
- Brandon Hill - Hill-Brandon-M
This project is licensed under The Unlicense. (see the LICENSE for more details)