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ImpredicativeTruncation: redo using universe annotations
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jdchristensen authored Sep 30, 2024
2 parents 180aa20 + 648c68a commit b68b52b
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Showing 3 changed files with 156 additions and 67 deletions.
156 changes: 103 additions & 53 deletions theories/Metatheory/ImpredicativeTruncation.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,74 +1,124 @@
(** * Impredicative truncations. *)
(** * Impredicative truncations *)

(** In this file, under the assumptions of propositional resizing [PropResizing] and function extensionality [Funext], we define the proposition truncation in any universe. In the main library, these are constructed using HITs. The definitions here are meant to be for illustration. *)

Require Import HoTT.Basics.
Require Import Universes.Smallness.
Local Open Scope path_scope.

(* Be careful about [Import]ing this file! It defines truncations
with the same name as those constructed with HITs. Probably you want
to use those instead, if you are using HITs. *)
(** Using only function extensionality, we can define a "propositional truncation" [Trm A] of a type [A] in universe [i] which eliminates into propositions in universe [j]. It lands in [max(i,j+1)]. So if we want it to land in universe [i], then we can only eliminate into propositions in a strictly smaller universe [j]. Or, if we want it to eliminate into propositions in universe [i], then it must land in a strictly larger universe. *)
Definition Trm@{i j | } (A : Type@{i})
:= forall P:Type@{j}, IsHProp P -> (A -> P) -> P.

Section AssumePropResizing.
Context `{PropResizing}.
Definition trm@{i j | } {A : Type@{i}} : A -> Trm@{i j} A
:= fun a P HP f => f a.

(** Here [k] plays the role of [max(i,j+1)]. *)
Global Instance ishprop_Trm@{i j k | i <= k, j < k} `{Funext} (A : Type@{i})
: IsHProp (Trm@{i j} A).
nrapply istrunc_forall@{k k k}; intro B.
nrapply istrunc_forall@{j k k}; intro ishp.
apply istrunc_forall@{k j k}.

Definition merely@{i j} (A : Type@{i}) : Type@{i}
:= forall P:Type@{j}, IsHProp P -> (A -> P) -> P. (* requires j < i *)
(** As mentioned above, it eliminates into propositions in universe [j]. *)
Definition Trm_rec@{i j | } {A : Type@{i}}
{P : Type@{j}} {p : IsHProp@{j} P} (f : A -> P)
: Trm@{i j} A -> P
:= fun ma => ma P p f.

Definition trm {A} : A -> merely A
:= fun a P HP f => f a.
(** This computes definitionally. *)
Definition Trm_rec_beta@{i j | } {A : Type@{i}}
{P : Type@{j}} `{IsHProp P} (f : A -> P)
: Trm_rec@{i j} f o trm == f
:= fun _ => idpath.

(** Because of the universe constraints, we can't make this into a functor on [Type@{i}]. We have a universe constraint [i' <= j] and [Trm@{i j} A] lands in [max(i,j+1)], which is strictly larger. *)
Definition functor_Trm@{i j i' j' | i' <= j, j' < j} `{Funext}
{A : Type@{i}} {A' : Type@{i'}} (f : A -> A')
: Trm@{i j} A -> Trm@{i' j'} A'
:= Trm_rec (trm o f).

(** We also record the dependent induction principle. But it only computes propositionally. *)
Definition Trm_ind@{i j k | i <= k, j < k} {A : Type@{i}} `{Funext}
{P : Trm@{i j} A -> Type@{j}} {p : forall x, IsHProp@{j} (P x)} (f : forall a, P (trm a))
: forall x, P x.
unfold Trm.
intro x.
rapply x.
intro a.
refine (transport P _ (f a)).
rapply path_ishprop@{k}.

Global Instance ishprop_merely `{Funext} (A : Type) : IsHProp (merely A).
exact _.
(** The universe constraints go away if we assume propositional resizing. *)

Definition merely_rec {A : Type@{i}} {P : Type@{j}} `{IsHProp P} (f : A -> P)
: merely A -> P
:= fun ma => (equiv_smalltype P)
(ma (smalltype P) _ ((equiv_smalltype P)^-1 o f)).
Section AssumePropResizing.
Context `{PropResizing}.

Definition functor_merely `{Funext} {A B : Type} (f : A -> B)
: merely A -> merely B.
(** If we assume propositions resizing, then we may as well quantify over propositions in the lowest universe [Set] when defining the truncation. This reduces the number of universe variables. We also assume that [Set < i], so that the construction lands in universe [i]. *)
Definition imp_Trm@{i | Set < i} (A : Type@{i}) : Type@{i}
:= Trm@{i Set} A.

(** Here we use propositional resizing to resize a arbitrary proposition [P] from an arbitrary universe [j] to universe [Set], so there is no constraint on the universe [j]. In particular, we can take [j = i], which shows that [imp_Trm] is a reflective subuniverse of [Type@{i}], since any two maps into a proposition agree. *)
Definition imp_Trm_rec@{i j | Set < i} {A : Type@{i}}
{P : Type@{j}} `{IsHProp P} (f : A -> P)
: imp_Trm@{i} A -> P
:= fun ma => (equiv_smalltype@{Set j} P)
(ma (smalltype@{Set j} P) _ ((equiv_smalltype@{Set j} P)^-1 o f)).

(** Similarly, there are no constraints between [i] and [i'] in the next definition, so they could be taken to be equal. *)
Definition functor_imp_Trm@{i i' | Set < i, Set < i'} `{Funext}
{A : Type@{i}} {A' : Type@{i'}} (f : A -> A')
: imp_Trm@{i} A -> imp_Trm@{i'} A'
:= imp_Trm_rec (trm o f).

(** Note that [imp_Trm_rec] only computes propositionally. *)
Definition imp_Trm_rec_beta@{i j | Set < i} {A : Type@{i}}
{P : Type@{j}} `{IsHProp P} (f : A -> P)
: imp_Trm_rec@{i j} f o trm == f.
srefine (merely_rec (trm o f)).
intro a.
unfold imp_Trm_rec, trm; cbn beta.
apply eisretr@{Set j}.

(* show what is gained by propositional resizing, without mentioning universe levels *)
Local Definition typeofid (A : Type) := A -> A.

Local Definition functor_merely_sameargs `{Funext} {A : Type} (f : typeofid A)
: typeofid (merely A) := functor_merely f.

(* a more informative version using universe levels *)
Local Definition functor_merely_sameuniv `{Funext} {A B: Type@{i}} (f : A -> B)
: merely@{j k} A -> merely@{j k} B:= functor_merely f. (* requires i <= j & k < j *)

End AssumePropResizing.

(* Here, we show what goes wrong without propositional resizing. *)
(** Above, we needed the constraint [Set < i]. But one can use propositional resizing again to make [imp_Trm] land in the lowest universe, if that is needed. (We'll in fact let it land in any universe [u].) To do this, we need to assume [Funext] in the definition of the truncation itself. *)

(* the naive definition *)
Local Definition merely_rec_naive {A : Type@{i}} {P : Type@{j}} {p:IsHProp@{j} P} (f : A -> P)
: merely@{i j} A -> P
:= fun ma => ma P p f.
Section TruncationWithFunext.
Context `{PropResizing} `{Funext}.

(* the too weak definition *)
Local Definition functor_merely_weak `{Funext} {A B : Type@{k}} (f : A -> B)
: merely@{j k} A -> merely@{k l} B. (* evidently, this requires k<j and l<k *)
srefine (merely_rec_naive (trm o f)).
(** [Funext] implies that [Trm A] is a proposition, so [PropResizing] can be used to put it in any universe. The construction passes through universe [k], which represents [max(i,Set+1)]. *)
Definition resized_Trm@{i k u | i <= k, Set < k} (A : Type@{i})
: Type@{u}
:= smalltype@{u k} (Trm@{i Set} A).

Definition resized_trm@{i k u | i <= k, Set < k} {A : Type@{i}}
: A -> resized_Trm@{i k u} A
:= (equiv_smalltype _)^-1 o trm.

(* impossible due to universe inconsistency: *)
Fail Local Definition functor_merely_weak_sameargs `{Funext} {A : Type} (f : typeofid A)
: typeofid(merely A) := functor_merely_weak f.
Definition resized_Trm_rec@{i j k u | i <= k, Set < k} {A : Type@{i}}
{P : Type@{j}} `{IsHProp P} (f : A -> P)
: resized_Trm@{i k u} A -> P.
refine (_ o (equiv_smalltype@{u k} _)).
exact (fun ma => (equiv_smalltype@{Set j} P)
(ma (smalltype@{Set j} P) _ ((equiv_smalltype@{Set j} P)^-1 o f))).

(* The following much weaker definition is possible: *)
Local Definition functor_merely_weak_sameargs_weak `{Funext} {A : Type} (f : typeofid A)
: merely A -> merely A := functor_merely_weak f.
(** The beta rule is again propositional. *)
Definition resized_Trm_rec_beta@{i j k u | i <= k, Set < k} {A : Type@{i}}
{P : Type@{j}} `{IsHProp P} (f : A -> P)
: resized_Trm_rec@{i j k u} f o resized_trm == f.
intro a.
unfold resized_Trm_rec, resized_trm, Trm, trm; cbn beta.
rewrite eisretr@{u k}.
apply eisretr@{Set j}.

(* a more general (but still weak) and more informative version using universe levels *)
Local Definition functor_merely_weak_sameuniv_weak `{Funext} {A B: Type@{i}} (f : A -> B)
: merely@{j k} A -> merely@{k l} B:= functor_merely_weak f.
(* requires i <= j & l < k < j *)
End TruncationWithFunext.
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions theories/Metatheory/IntervalImpliesFunext.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
(** * Theorems about the homotopical interval. *)
(** * An interval type implies function extensionality *)

Require Import HoTT.Basics.
Require Import HIT.Interval.
Require Import Metatheory.Core Metatheory.FunextVarieties.

(** ** From an interval type, we can prove function extensionality. *)
(** From an interval type with definitional computation rules on the end points, we can prove function extensionality. *)

Definition funext_type_from_interval : Funext_type
:= WeakFunext_implies_Funext (NaiveFunext_implies_WeakFunext
(fun A P f g p =>
let h := fun (x:interval) (a:A) =>
interval_rec _ (f a) (g a) (p a) x
in ap h seg)).

(** Note that the converse is also true: function extensionality implies that an interval type exists, with definitional computation rules. This is illustrated in TruncImpliesFunext.v. *)
61 changes: 49 additions & 12 deletions theories/Metatheory/TruncImpliesFunext.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,31 +1,68 @@
(** * Theorems about trunctions *)
(** * Propositional truncation implies function extensionality *)

Require Import HoTT.Basics HoTT.Truncations HoTT.Types.Bool.
Require Import Metatheory.Core Metatheory.FunextVarieties.
Require Import Metatheory.Core Metatheory.FunextVarieties Metatheory.ImpredicativeTruncation.

(** ** We can construct an interval type as [Trunc -1 Bool] *)
(** ** An approach using the truncations defined as HITs *)

(** We can construct an interval type as [Trunc -1 Bool]. *)
Local Definition interval := Trunc (-1) Bool.

Local Definition interval_rec (P : Type) (a b : P) (p : a = b)
: interval -> P.
: interval -> P.
unfold interval; intro x.
cut { pt : P | pt = b }.
{ apply pr1. }
{ strip_truncations.
refine (if x then a else b; _).
destruct x; (reflexivity || assumption). }
(** We define this map by factoring it through the type [{ x : P & x = b}], which is a proposition since it is contractible. *)
refine ((pr1 : { x : P & x = b } -> P) o _).
apply Trunc_rec.
intros [].
- exact (a; p).
- exact (b; idpath).

Local Definition seg : tr true = tr false :> interval
:= path_ishprop _ _.

(** ** From an interval type, and thus from truncations, we can prove function extensionality. *)

(** From an interval type, and thus from truncations, we can prove function extensionality. *)
Definition funext_type_from_trunc : Funext_type
:= WeakFunext_implies_Funext (NaiveFunext_implies_WeakFunext
(fun A P f g p =>
let h := fun (x:interval) (a:A) =>
interval_rec _ (f a) (g a) (p a) x
in ap h seg)).

(** ** An approach without using HITs *)

(** Assuming [Funext] (and not propositional resizing), the construction [Trm] in ImpredicativeTruncation.v applied to [Bool] gives an interval type with definitional computation on the end points. So we see that function extensionality is equivalent to the existence of an interval type. *)

Section AssumeFunext.
Context `{Funext}.

Definition finterval := Trm Bool.

Definition finterval_rec (P : Type) (a b : P) (p : a = b)
: finterval -> P.
refine ((pr1 : { x : P & x = b } -> P) o _).
apply Trm_rec.
intros [].
- exact (a; p).
- exact (b; idpath).

(** As an example, we check that it computes on [true]. *)
Definition finterval_rec_beta (P : Type) (a b : P) (p : a = b)
: finterval_rec P a b p (trm true) = a
:= idpath.

Definition fseg : trm true = trm false :> finterval
:= path_ishprop _ _.

(** To verify that our interval type is good enough, we use it to prove function extensionality. *)
Definition funext_type_from_finterval : Funext_type
:= WeakFunext_implies_Funext (NaiveFunext_implies_WeakFunext
(fun A P f g p =>
let h := fun (x:finterval) (a:A) =>
finterval_rec _ (f a) (g a) (p a) x
in ap h fseg)).

End AssumeFunext.

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