Mainnet account running this contract: horustokenio
Token Symbol: HORUS
Token Symbol: ECASH
Jungle Testnet account running this contract: horustokenio
Token Symbol: HORUS
Token Symbol: ECASH
code hash: 1acb3965ad831f151844e19647ef7f533e8b535c8968b7dc4244a2fdf4266ff2
To view account balance
cleos get currency balance horustokenio account-name HORUS
cleos get currency balance horustokenio account-name ECASH
To transfer tokens (example: 1.0000 HORUS)
cleos push action horustokenio transfer '["from","to","1.0000 HORUS","memo"]' -p from
cleos push action horustokenio transfer '["from","to","1.0000 ECASH","memo"]' -p from
This contract allows for the creation of eosio compatible tokens under the class name horustokenio
. This is based off the eosio.token contract (
Standard currency create action. Creates a new token asset.
Standard currency issue action. Issues tokens to specified accounts. Requires issuer permission.
Standard currency transfer action. Transfer tokens between two accounts.
This action lets a HORUS token holder stake their tokens for themselves (or another account) in order to get access to claim staking rewards. A minimum of 10.0000 HORUS must be staked to participate in staking rewards. Rewards are earned by staking HORUS tokens for longer than 7 days. After 7 days payouts can be claimed in the form of ECASH. ECASH is rewarded proportionally to the amount of HORUS staked and will be issued at a 1% monthly rate of the staked HORUS for a stake greater than or equal to 1 million HORUS, and at a 0.1% monthly rate for any stake less than 1 million. In the future when the HorusPay Payroll Portal is fully released, the 1 million HORUS token threshold will be removed and all stakes will mint ECASH at a 0.1% monthly rate. After the 7 day vesting period the staking durration will automatically be renewed for the owner {{ from }} to continue claiming rewards. This action may change at a later point in time.
cleos push action horustokenio stakehorus '["from","receiver","10.0000 HORUS"]' -p from
cleos push action horustokenio stakehorus '["alice","alice","10.0000 HORUS"]' -p alice
Unstake tokens back to the staker. There is a 7 day delay to unstake.
cleos push action horustokenio unstakehorus '["from","stake_id"]' -p from
cleos push action horustokenio claimreward '["owner","stake_id"]' -p owner
Called when unstaking to refund the staked tokens over a period of time.
cleos push action horustokenio refundbyid '["owner","refund_id"]' -p owner
Users will pay for their own RAM
cleos get table horustokenio horustester1 accounts
"rows": [{
"balance": "0.0554 ECASH"
"balance": "1000000.0000 HORUS"
"more": false
cleos get table horustokenio horustester1 userres
"rows": [{
"owner": "horustester1",
"total_staked_horus": "208200.0000 HORUS"
"more": false
cleos get table horustokenio horustester1 stakedhorus
"rows": [{
"id": 1,
"from": "horustester1",
"to": "horustester2",
"horus_weight": "100.0000 HORUS",
"time_initial": 1537919744
"id": 2,
"from": "horustester1",
"to": "horustester3",
"horus_weight": "100000.0000 HORUS",
"time_initial": 1537919744
"id": 5,
"from": "horustester1",
"to": "horustester1",
"horus_weight": "7000.0000 HORUS",
"time_initial": 1537919744
"more": false
cleos get table horustokenio horustester1 horusrefunds
"rows": [{
"id": 0,
"from": "horustester1",
"to": "horustester1",
"horus_amount": "500.0000 HORUS",
"request_time": 1537919753
"id": 1,
"from": "horustester1",
"to": "horustester4",
"horus_amount": "100600.0000 HORUS",
"request_time": 1537919757
"more": false
To add permission on the mainnet run
cleos set account permission horustokenio active '{"threshold": 1,"keys": [{"key": "EOS5omd3bSM4Gxeoc1RffhdTZMVtRz8rSPARXQoEEE2L2wrDYt1kv","weight": 1}],"accounts": [{"permission":{"actor":"horustokenio","permission":"eosio.code"},"weight":1},{"permission":{"actor":"jdisalvatore","permission":"horuspay"},"weight":1}]}' owner -p horustokenio
Add HORUS tokens to an existing stake. This will restart the initial stake time.
Claim all available rewards at once.
built with eos v1.2.4
To build in-source with eos, place the eosio.token
and horustokenio
directories into /eos/contracts
and run make
$cd /eos/build
Contact Information