Created specifically to answer a WordPress Stack Exchange Question.
This is a fairly simple WordPress standalone plugin that adds a meta-field underneath the main post title which can be used as a subtitle. It also provides action hooks to display these titles in HTML. It's probably more complicated than it needs to be but fun none-the-less.
You can just call the following action hook passing the following parameters ( Default supplied ):
// Full action definition
do_action( 'wpse_banner_title', array(
'wrapper' => 'h1', // HTML element to wrap around the title
'classes' => array(), // Classes attached to HTML wrapper
'attributes' => array(), // Any additional attributes, ex: array( 'data-attr' => 'test' ) = data-attr="test"
'before_title' => '', // Any text / html before the actual title but inside wrapper
'after_title' => '', // Any text / html after the actual title but inside wrapper
'top_title' => false, // Whether or not to get ancestors title to show, false will be the current page title
'subtitle' => false, // Whether or not to show the subtitle field
) );
// Show the current page title
do_action( 'wpse_banner_title' );
// Show the current pages top most ancestors title
do_action( 'wpse_banner_title', array( 'top_title' => ture ) );
// Show the subtitle metadata, if it exists
do_action( 'wpse_banner_title', array( 'subtitle' => true ) );
The subtitle field will not display should there be no value in the Post Edit subtitle field.
The plugin comes with a couple filter hooks listed below:
* Allow the user to modify the title should it be incorrect or otherwise
apply_filters( 'wpse_modify_banner_title', String $title, Integer $post_id );
* List of acceptable post types to display subtitle metadata on
apply_filters( 'wpse_subtitle_post_types', Array $post_types );