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This is a dataset of 5G network traffic for use with machine learning tools to benchmark attack detection capabilities for multiple different models. The dataset contains simulated normal and attack 5G network traffic.


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5GAD-2022 5G attack detection dataset

This dataset was created by Cooper Coldwell, Denver Conger, Edward Goodell, Brendan Jacobson, Bryton Petersen, Damon Spencer, Matthew Anderson, and Matthew Sgambati and introduced in Machine Learning 5G Attack Detection in Programmable Logic.

This dataset contains two types of intercepted network packets: "normal" network traffic packets (i.e. a variety of non-malicious traffic types) and "attack" packets from attacks against a 5G Core implemented with free5GC. The captures were collected using tshark or Wireshark on 4 different network interfaces within the 5G core. Those interfaces and where they sit within the system are outlined in the 5GNetworkDiagram figure. Files that start with "allcap" contain packets that were recorded on all four interfaces simultaneously; other *.pcapng files represent the same data that has been broken out into one of the four interfaces.

5GNetworkDiagram.png 5GNetworkDiagram.png

NOTE: The normal sets do not contain explicit breakdowns for each interface to reduce the download size. The individual interfaces can be separated from the allcap file in Wireshark as follows:

  1. Add a new column to Wireshark via Edit->Preferences->Appearance->Columns and then click on '+' to add a new column.
  2. Set the column 'type' as 'Custom' and the field as 'frame.interface_name'.
  3. To select only a particular interface, return to the main Capture page.
  4. Apply the filter 'frame.interface_name==' followed by the desired interface.
  5. Export the separated packets via File->Export Specified Packets

Citation and Contact

If you use our dataset, please cite it:

  author={Coldwell, Cooper and Conger, Denver and Goodell, Edward and Jacobson, Brendan and Petersen, Bryton and Spencer, Damon and Anderson, Matthew and Sgambati, Matthew},
  booktitle={2022 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps)}, 
  title={Machine Learning 5G Attack Detection in Programmable Logic}, 

If you find our paper useful, please cite it:

  author={Coldwell, Cooper and Conger, Denver and Goodell, Edward and Jacobson, Brendan and Petersen, Bryton and Spencer, Damon and Anderson, Matthew and Sgambati, Matthew},
  booktitle={2022 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps)}, 
  title={Machine Learning 5G Attack Detection in Programmable Logic}, 

For any questions or concerns, please contact [email protected]

Normal Data and Descriptions


This dataset consists of normal internet traffic recorded on the network interfaces specified in the diagram above. Specifically, it contains network traffic simulated on a single UE with various automated tasks including streaming YouTube videos, accessing 500 popular websites, downloading files via FTP, mounting a SAMBA share and downloading files from it, and having a conference call via Microsoft Teams.


The same traffic types as in Normal-1UE were used for Normal-2UE, except this time, the traffic generation was divided between 2 UEs.

To reduce the number of processing difficulties, we split the total capture file into a sequential series of files. The order of these files is given by the number preceding the file extension. For example, "allcap_20220613162057_00010.pcapng" is the 10th file in the sequence.

Attack Data and Descriptions

There are 10 attacks that we ran on our 5G test bench, most of which rely on REST API calls to different parts of the core.

The Attacks directory contains each of the attacks, each divided into its own subdirectory. Within each attack is a *.pcapng file beginning with "Attacks_" that contains only the attack packets present in the "allcap" file. Files not beginning with "Attacks_" may contain some benign, incidental traffic.

Reconnaissance Attacks


This attack is performed by requesting information about the unified data management (UDM) network function while impersonating an access and mobility management function (AMF). Internally this attack appears to be a benign system request and exploits the fact that the network repository function (NRF) does not check if the source of the request is actually an AMF. This attack is performed with the following Linux command:

curl "" 

where is the IP address of the NRF.


This attack is performed identically to AMFLookingForUDM except the target-nf-type is not specified. This results in the NRF returning all network functions (NF) to the requester.


This attack requests information from the UDM regarding a user with subscriberID=0000000003. This attack was performed with:

curl "${subscriberID}/am-data?plmn-id=%7B%22mcc%22%3A%22208%22%2C%22mnc%22%3A%2293%22%7D"


This attack exploits a lack of input validation in free5GC and sets the requester-nf-type to a random string when making an nf-instances request to the NRF. The NRF will still respond with all of the NFs. This attack is executed with the following Linux command:

curl "$randomString&target-nf-type="


This attack is from Positive Technologies' report 5G Standalone core security research section 4.3. In essence, it listens to network traffic while the UE is connecting. The attack code listens for a packet forwarding control protocol (PFCP) session establishment request, then checks if the UE address is in a list of victim addresses. If the UE is a victim then the attack records session information that it uses to redirect traffic from the UE. This is achieved by sending a PFCP session modification request to the user plane function (UPF) with the discovered session ID and forwarding action rule ID (FARID). The attack will send two such modification requests, wait 5 seconds, send two more modification requests to return the UE to its normal path, wait 5 more seconds, and then repeat.

Network Reconfiguration Attacks


This attack registers a fake AMF with the NRF. This is achieved by running the curl command to PUT a JSON object to the NRF. In the environment where this attack was run there is no check on authority to prevent the attacker from registering a fake AMF. The FakeAMFDelete attack is subsequently run to remove the fake AMF. The instance-ID is required to be a version 4 universally unique identifier(UUID), however free5GC does not check the instance-ID or other details about the AMF before adding it to the core. This includes whether or not the instance-id is a properly formatted UUID, which consists of hexadecimal values in a string. A few 1's in the attack's UUID string were replaced with l's while writing the attack code, so the string was not correctly formatted as hexadecimal. The instance-ID was therefore an invalid UUID, but the instance-ID was accepted by free5GC regardless. The full curl command with its JSON code is below.

curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d 


This attack is the same as "FakeAMFInsert" except the instance ID is a randomly generated UUID.

DOS Attacks


This attack relies on an exploit in free5GC wherein a malformed request to the network repository function (NRF) will cause it to crash. This attack is run using

curl ""

where is the IP address of the NRF. As of free5GC v3.1.1, this exploit appears to have been patched, as this HTTP GET request will no longer result in the failure of the core.


This attack is operated in conjunction with FakeAMFInsert with the line

curl -s -o /dev/null -w "\n\nHTTP Status Code: %{http_code}\n\n" -X DELETE$fakeAMF

where fakeAMF is the hexadecimal session ID of the false AMF inserted into the system. This attack, coupled with GetAllNFs to find other AMFs, could be exploited to remove legitimate AMFs from the network, disrupting network functionality.


This attack is similar to the "Automatic Redirect with Timer" attack, but alternates between redirecting user traffic and dropping user traffic, effectively disconnecting the user from the data network (DN).

Data Preparation

Included with the dataset are two versions of the file used to process the data for use in training autoencoders on anomaly detection, though the files can be adapted for other purposes as well. The Data_prep.ipynb notebook walks through the data preparation in detail, while the file was derived from the notebook to be (hopefully) more cut-down and lightweight.

Without modification, the data preparation files require at least 96 GB of memory and several hours to process the data. This issue can likely be overcome by changing the instances of the sniff(...) function to process each packet without storing packets sequentially in memory.

Special thanks to Christopher Becker and Jessie Cooper.


This is a dataset of 5G network traffic for use with machine learning tools to benchmark attack detection capabilities for multiple different models. The dataset contains simulated normal and attack 5G network traffic.







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