GetConsoleHistoryAndOutput is designed to be used as part of "Live Response" forensic investigations.
The ability to retrieve command history and console output buffer of suspicious processes could enable IR teams to gain visibility into attackers actions on a victim's system.
The GetConsoleHistoryAndOutput receives a PID of a console process and retrieves the console command history and screen output buffer.
Additional reading material on the tool, can be found in our blog Windows Console Command History: Valuable Evidence for Live Response Investigation.
Usage: GetConsoleHistoryAndOutput.exe pid_of_console_process outputfile_path
The PID of the following console is 6364
GetConsoleHistoryAndOutput.exe 6364 output.txt
Will result with the following data at output.txt:
### Display Output of PID: 6364###
## Process' Command History ##
H0: net group "domain admins" /domain
## Console Output Buffer ##
L0: Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
L1: Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
L3: C:\Users\lex>net group "domain admins" /domain
L4: The request will be processed at a domain controller for domain DCOMIC.LOCAL.
L6: Group name Domain Admins
L7: Comment Designated administrators of the domain
L9: Members
L11: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
L12: Administrator aquaman captaina
L13: lex
L14: The command completed successfully.
L17: C:\Users\lex>
### Output End ###
- Tom Sela - @4x6hw
- Liav Teichner
This project is licensed under the BSD 3-clause license - see the LICENSE file for details
Illusive Networks Research & Dev team members:
- Tomer Shamul
- Tom Kahana
- Dolev Ben Shushan
- Hadar Yudovich