Python package to encode and decode strings using ciphers.
$ pip install encdecpy
The package provides the following ciphers to encode and decode strings -
- Affine Cipher
- Atbash Cipher
- Autokey Cipher
- Baconian Cipher
- Base64 Cipher
- Beaufort Cipher
- Caesar Cipher
- Columnar Transposition Cipher
- Polybius Square Cipher
- Rail Fence Cipher
- ROT13 Cipher
- Running Key Cipher
- Simple Substitution Cipher
- Vignere Cipher
from encdecpy import affine
- affine.encode(string, a, b) - Returns the encoded string.
- affine.decode(string, a, b) - Returns the decoded string.
a and b are integers between 0 and 25. a should be relatively prime to 26 and lie between 0 to 25 (both inclusive).
from encdecpy import atbash
- atbash.encode(string) - Returns the encoded string.
- atbash.decode(string) - Returns the decoded string.
from encdecpy import autokey
- autokey.encode(string, key) - Returns the encoded string.
- autokey.decode(string, key) - Returns the decoded string.
key is a string.
from encdecpy import baconian
- baconian.encode(string) - Returns the encoded string.
- baconian.decode(string) - Returns the decoded string.
from encdecpy import base64
- base64.encode(string) - Returns the encoded string.
- base64.decode(string) - Returns the decoded string.
from encdecpy import beaufort
- beaufort.encode(string, key) - Returns the encoded string.
- beaufort.decode(string, key) - Returns the decoded string.
key is a string.
from encdecpy import caesar
- caesar.encode(string, key) - Returns the encoded string.
- caesar.decode(string, key) - Returns the decoded string.
key is a whole number.
from encdecpy import columnartransposition
- columnartransposition.encode(string, key) - Returns the encoded string.
- columnartransposition.decode(string, key) - Returns the decoded string.
key is a string and should contain unique characters between A-Z.
from encdecpy import polybiussquare
- polybiussquare.encode(string, key) - Returns the encoded string.
- polybiussquare.decode(string, key) - Returns the decoded string.
key is a string and should contain unique characters between a-z with one alphabet missing. Length of key should be 25. An example key - phqgiumeaylnofdxkrcvstzwb.
from encdecpy import railfence
- railfence.encode(string, key) - Returns the encoded string.
- railfence.decode(string, key) - Returns the decoded string.
key is a positive number denoting the number of rails.
from encdecpy import rot13
- rot13.encode(string) - Returns the encoded string.
- rot13.decode(string) - Returns the decoded string.
from encdecpy import runningkey
- runningkey.encode(string, key) - Returns the encoded string.
- runningkey.decode(string, key) - Returns the decoded string.
key is a large string, usually a paragraph taken from a book.
from encdecpy import simplesubstitution
- simplesubstitution.encode(string, key) - Returns the encoded string.
- simplesubstitution.decode(string, key) - Returns the decoded string.
- simplesubstitution.generate_random_key() - Returns a randomly generated key.
key is a string containing a permutation of the alphabets (a-z), with no other characters. String should contain only unique characters.
from encdecpy import vignere
- vignere.encode(string, key) - Returns the encoded string.
- vignere.decode(string, key) - Returns the decoded string.
key is a string, usually a single word.