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  • Transformers
  • Shallow heuristics
  • Narrow training distribution

Points of interest:

  • Ability to 'reason'
  • Different steps of training
  • Transfer learning


LMs: factual knowledge + reasoning + contextual tracking.

Synthetic dataset generated by GPT-3.5 and GPT-4

  • useful to train and evaluate Language Models (LMs) smaller than the state-of-the-art models (below 10 million total parameters (SLMs)) or have much simpler architectures (with only one transformer block).
  • demonstrates reasoning capabilities.

Suggestion of a new framework using GPT-4

  • multidimensional score for the model (grammar, creativity, instruction-following) =/= from very structured standard benchmarks.
  • useful for low-resource / specialized domains teams + provides a new perspective on the capabilities of LMs

Computational efficiency and behavior of SLMs

  • generative models trained on TinyStories show similar behaviors to Larger Language Models (LLMs).
  • conducting extensive experiments on different hyperparameters, architectures, and training methods reveals insights into the performance and quality of these models even with limited computational resources.

Improved interpretabilty of SLMs

  • models trained on TinyStories appear to be substantially more interpretable than larger ones, with clear attention patterns and meaningful neuron activations.
  • visualization and analysis of attention and activation maps provide insights into the generation process and story content, enhancing our understanding of how these models operate.

Comparison with Larger Models

  • models trained on TinyStories can produce results comparable to much larger models like GPT2-XL, demonstrating the effectiveness of this approach in generating high-quality text.



  • introduced in Attention is all you need
  • neural network architecture primarily used for natural language processing.
  • key feature: attention mechanism, allowing it to capture complex relationships in sequential data.
  • excel in tasks like machine translation and text generation.
  • famous models such as GPT and BERT employ transformer architectures.

Shallow neuristics

  • simple rules or low-complexity methods used to solve problems or make decisions.
  • can be quick to apply but may also yield approximate results.

Points of interest

Steps of LMs' training

  1. Data collection.
  2. Preprocessing: cleaning and formatting the text data, including tokenization (breaking text into individual words or subwords), handling special characters, and potentially applying techniques like stemming or lemmatization. a. stemming: reducing words to their root by removing suffixes. e.g. "eating", "eats", "eaten" become "eat". Fast but may produce imperfect results as it does not consider context. b. lemmatization: reducing words to their canonical form. e.g. "better" become "good", "running" become "run".
  3. Token embedding: converting tokens into vectors that can be understood by the model. Involves techniques like word embeddings (e.g., Word2Vec, GloVe) or subword embeddings (e.g., Byte Pair Encoding, SentencePiece).
  4. Model training: involves feeding the tokenized and embedded text into the model and adjusting its parameters (e.g., weights in neural networks) iteratively to minimize prediction errors. a. optimization algorithms: improve the model's ability to generate coherent and contextually relevant text, while minimizing errors and maximizing language understanding.
  5. Evaluation: assessing the performance of the trained model using various metrics such as perplexity, accuracy, or BLEU score (Bilingual Evaluation Understudy).
  6. Fine-tuning (optional): fine-tuning the pre-trained model on a specific task or domain to improve its performance for a particular application.
  7. Deployment.

Transfer learning

  • transferring a pre-trained model's learned knowledge to a new related task or domain.
  • pre-trained model is used as a starting point.
  • allows saving time + resources.


Task 1: Create a synthetic dataset

Generate a train (size: 70) & a test dataset (size: 30):

    Dtrain = { (xi, yi): 1 <= i <= 100 ^ (i % 10) \notin { 1, 3, 7 }}
    Dtest = { (xi, yi): 1 <= i <= 100 ^ (i % 10) \in { 1, 3, 7 }}

Difficulty: ⭐ Duration: 30 minutes

! Decode the tokenizer.pad_token to add it to our synthetic completions.

📚 Doc:

Task 2: Evaluate models

Reasons for avoiding generate() function:

How does it work?

  • Create a dataset_batches where the step=batch_size. Advantages = optimization+parallelism, PyTorch/TensorFlow are optimized for processing batches of data in parallel.
  • Iterate on batches and for each get prompts/completions.

Gradients activation/desactivation

  • Activation:
    • Training stage -> learn model params
    • Calculated + used to adjust model params to minimize the loss on the training data
  • Desactivation:
    • Inference / evaluation stages
    • No parameter adjustments are made because the parameters have already been learned during training.

Difficulty: ⭐⭐ Duration: 1h

📚 Doc:

Task 3: Test your evaluator

  1. Init DummyModel class constructor
  2. Implement a customized forward method

Difficulty: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Duration: 2h

📚 Doc:

Task 4: Transfer Learning

Difficulty: ⭐⭐⭐ Duration: 1h

Hyperparameters: set to control the training process + can influence performance of the model. It can be:

  • learning rate
  • batch size
  • number of epochs
  • optimizer
  • regularization parameters
  • dropout rate
  • model architecture choices: number of layers in a neural network, number of neurons/layer, ...

What I tried:

  • change learning rate, epochs, batch_size

📚 Doc:

Task 5: Have we tested our hypothesis?

Other experiment

  • Exploring a task that requires a balance between the nature of the words: nouns, verbs, adjectives, numbers.

Code's improvements

  • Task 1: OK
  • Task 2: truncate completions to improve DummyModel's accuracy
  • Task 3:
    • constructor
    • search more if forward params are useful
    • logits instantiation / initialization / storage
  • Task 4: develop training stage

Execution of this experiment

  • See the impact of a different dataset (size & quality)
  • Test hypothesis with differents SLMs


Difficulty: ⭐ Duration: 30 minutes

Task 6: [Optional] Explore


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