This repo has scripts and terraform to take a brand new AWS account and end with a good base-line configuration from a security standpoint.
Assuming you have a profile configured with Admin rights to the account.
## Delete all default VPC stuff
## Create a bucket to store terraform state. Note that Terraform will manage the configuration
## of the bucket, but it needs to exist before we can init terraform.
## Be sure to use your selected bucket prefix when creating it.
aws s3api create-bucket <bucket_name_prefix>tfstate --create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=<your_preferred_region>
## Now init terraform (passing the newly created bucket name)
cd terraform/global
## Add your bucket prefix to your tfvars file
echo 'bucket_name_prefix = "<bucket_name_prefix>"' > ./terraform.tfvars
terraform init \
-backend-config bucket=<bucket_name_prefix>tfstate
## Import your tfstate bucket
terraform import aws_s3_bucket.tfstate <bucket_name_prefix>tfstate
## Review the plan
terraform plan
## If everything looks good apply
terraform apply