This repository implements ROS packages to detect objects using ROS
, yolov5
, and to classify and track single objects using Deepport algorithms
The source code of this repository is as follows.
This repository is described in Korean
and English
, and please refer to the following link.
- YoloV5 runs in
Python 3 environments
. Therefore, before running the package, you must configure the node using Python 3 to run in theROS Medloic environment
.sudo apt-get install python3-pip python3-all-dev python3-yaml python3-rospkg sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-desktop-full --fix-missing sudo pip3 install rospkg catkin_pkg
- Error occurs when using
in python3 environment. Therefore, you should rebuild thecv_bridge
according to the melodic version.sudo apt-get install python-catkin-tools python3-catkin-pkg-modules # Create catkin workspace mkdir catkin_workspace cd catkin_workspace catkin init # Instruct catkin to set cmake variables catkin config -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3 -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/python3.6m -DPYTHON_LIBRARY=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ # Instruct catkin to install built packages into install place. It is $CATKIN_WORKSPACE/install folder catkin config --install # Clone cv_bridge src git clone src/vision_opencv # Find version of cv_bridge in your repository apt-cache show ros-melodic-cv-bridge | grep Version Version: 1.13.0-0bionic.20210505.032238 # Checkout right version in git repo. In our case it is 1.13.0 cd src/vision_opencv/ git checkout 1.13.0 cd ../../ # Build catkin build cv_bridge # Extend environment with new package echo "source install/setup.bash --extend" >> bashrc
- Run clone with a repository that is dependent.
If you did not do
cd your_workspace/src git clone --recurse-submodules cd .. catkin_make
, you must rungit submodule update --init
. - Ensure that all dependency information in Node is met. The package works with Python 3.6 or later and requires several dependency packages to be installed.
pip3 install "numpy>=1.18.5,<1.20" "matplotlib>=3.2.2,<4" pip3 install yolov5 pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Github prevents you from uploading more than 100MB of files. Therefore, you should download the weight file associated with Deepport.
- Download the Depsort-specific weight file. Download the ckpt.t7 file to the path
The yolov5 detection node runs as follows:
roslaunch yolov5_deepsort detector.launch
By default, the image topic that performs detection is
. If you want to change the Subscribe image topic, you need to modify the following part ofdetector.launch
.<arg name="image_topic" default="/image_raw"/>
If you want to detect only one or a few objects, not multiple objects, you need to modify the following parts of
. If you want to detect the entire class, you must enter None, and if you want to detect only a specific class, you must enter the class name.<arg name="class_name" default='None'/> <!-- <arg name="class_name" default='person'/> -->
yolov5 depthort node runs as follows:
roslaunch yolov5_deepsort tracker.launch
By default, the image topic that performs detection is
. If you want to change the Subscribe image topic, you need to modify the following part ofdetector.launch
.<arg name="image_topic" default="/image_raw"/>
The initial value of the class that performs tracking is
. If you want to track another class, you need to modify the next part of 'detector.launch'.<arg name="class_name" default='person'/>
- /image_raw : Subscribe Image topic to detect objects.
- /detected_objects_in_image
- string Class
- float64 probability
- int64 xmin
- int64 ymin
- int64 xmax
- int64 ymax
- /detections_image_topic : Issue Image topic with bounding box, class name entered.
This error occurs when a python package related to cv_bridge_boost is not found. Open the cv_bridge/CMakelist.txt file in the folder where you installed the cv_bridge package and modify found_package(Boost REQUIRED python3)
as follows:
find_package(Boost REQUIRED python3-py36)
Then build and run cv_bridge again.
This error is caused by not building yolov5_deepport package. Go to catkin_ws, catkin_make
and run the package again.