Health Groups MP is a simple MP to address an annoyance with the groups that the authoring workspace creates, and a limitation of dependency monitors.
- Groups are created without any dependency monitors to roll up the health of members. You can workaround this for previously created groups using the OpsMgr Group Health Rollup Configuration Task Management Pack, but I'd prefer a one step process.
There isn't a way to roll up critical health states as warning, if only a set percentage are critical. Dependency monitor roll up methods available out of the box:
- Best of – Fairly obvious how this one works, as long as one of the member objects is healthy the monitor would be healthy.
- Worst of – Again pretty straight forward, the monitor would match the worst state of any of the members.
- Percentage – The monitor will match a percentage of the member objects, almost what we want.
The MP adds two authoring templates.
- Group with Health - Creates a group with dependency monitors already targeted.
- Group with Smart Health - Creates a group with a set of dependency monitors that roll up critical health states as warning, if only a set percentage (50% by default) are critical.
By combining two of the dependency monitor roll up algorithms and creating a recovery task, we can roll up critical states as warning, until the percentage threshold is reached. Targeted at the group we have:
- A dependency monitor with the 'worst of' algorithm.
- A recovery that targets the 'worst of' monitor and changes critical state to warning state.
- Another dependency monitor with the 'percentage' algorithm - we need this to roll up a critical state once more than the defined percentage are in a critical state.