Homework give by Bilbayt for a recruiting process
Basic Authentication Application, build using .Net Core and ReactJs with Onion Architecture and CQRS pattern.
It's a Homework give by Bilbayt for a recruiting process.
It's my first time taking a test like this, so I was a little nervous. I hope I didn't overdo it.
- Register with your username, password, fullname
- Receive Welcoming Mail after Registration
- Login after registration
- See your profile after login
├── Bilbayt.Homework.Api/ #Presentational Layer
│ ├── Controllers
└── Bilbayt.Homework.Domain/ (Domain Enties Layers)
| ├── Common/
| ├── Entities/
| ├── Models/
| ├── Enum/
| ├── Settings/
└── Bilbayt.Homework.Insfrastructure/ (Infrastructure Layers for 3th part apps)
| ├── Extension/
| ├── Filters/
| ├── Mapping/
| ├── Middleware/
| ├── ViewModel/
└── Bilbayt.Homework.Persistence/ (Persistence Layer for data management)
| ├── Repositories/
└── Bilbayt.Homework.Service/ (Core of the app, Service Layer)
| ├── Contract/
| ├── Exceptions/
| ├── Features/
| ├── Helpers/
| ├── Implementation/
| ├── Middleware/
└── Bilbayt.Homework.Api.Test.Integration/ (Integration tests)
| ├── Base/
| ├── Common/
| ├── Controllers/
| ├── Seeds/
| ├── Services/
└── ClientApp/
| ├── public/
| ├── src/
| | ├── assets/ (Contains all project assets (images, additionnals)stylesheets)
| | ├── components/ (Contains all the atomic components, layout and Hocs)
| | ├── configs/ (Contains all the config of the app)
| | ├── containers/ (contains compenent link with redux)
| | ├── middlewares/ (contains all the axios middleware)
| | ├── pages/ (contains all the page of the project)
| | ├── routes/ (contains the routes configuration - react-router)
| | ├── store/ (contains the redux store configuration)
| | ├── utils/ (contains some useful configuration)
To run this project, you will need to configure the folliwing configuration,
- ./Bilbayt.Homework.Api/Bilbayt.Homework.Api/appsettings.json
"MongoDbSettings": {
"ConnectionString": "mongodb://localhost:27017",
"DatabaseName": "bilbayt-homework-db"
"SendGridSettings": {
"ApiKey": "Your-Sendgrid Api Key",
"TemplateId": "Your Sendgrid Welcoming Email Template Id",
"SenderEmail": "Your Sendgrid Sender Email",
"SenderName": "Your Sendgrid Sender Email"
- ./Bilbayt.Homework.Web/ClientApp/public/config.js
* Api Endpoint
* When running using docker-compose,
* it's http://*localhost:8000, locally it's https://localhost:5003
window.env = { BASE_URL: "https://localhost:5003" };
For testing purpose ,i've left my sendgrid api key in the project appsettings
To run this project locally, you can,
Use Docker with docker-compose
docker-compose up
Access Aplication on http://localhost:8001
Use dotnet-cli
dotnet run --project ./Bilbayt.Homework.Api/Bilbayt.Homework.Api/Bilbayt.Homework.Api.csproj dotnet run --project ./Bilbayt.Homework.Web/Bilbayt.Homework.Web.csproj
Access Aplication on https://localhost:5001
To run tests, run the following command
dotnet test